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Winlin 01.11.2016 21:12


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 373335)
No crashes?

work properly

pierrotm777 01.11.2016 21:51


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 373337)
work properly

Cool. Now, I have the idea to simplify the history lists. And add change status of an unread sms to read into the phone.

Winlin 02.11.2016 10:35

Вложений: 1
эта кнопка работает не правильно

This button does not work correctly
Вложение 45396

Winlin 02.11.2016 10:56

также плагин работает не стабильно , если телефоны, имеющиеся в окружении bluesolei, в данный момент не подключены.

also, the plugin works unstably if the phones available surrounded by bluesolei currently not connected.

pierrotm777 02.11.2016 12:20


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 373368)
также плагин работает не стабильно , если телефоны, имеющиеся в окружении bluesolei, в данный момент не подключены.

also, the plugin works unstably if the phones available surrounded by bluesolei currently not connected.

Can you explain please.

Winlin 02.11.2016 14:03


если на обоих телефонах , которые показаны на этом изображении, включить bluetooth, то все работает хорошо, но если на alcatel выключить bluetooth, то и с первым телефоном связь прерывается в процессе работы. Если же Alcatel удалить из bluesolei окружения и из настроек плагина, то связь с оставшимся телефоном устойчивая.

If both phones, which are shown in this image, turn on the bluetooth, it all works well but if alcatel bluetooth off, and with the first telephone connection is lost in the process. If Alcatel remove from the bluesolei environment and from the plugin settings, connection to the remaining telephone stable.

pierrotm777 02.11.2016 16:48


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 373385)

если на обоих телефонах , которые показаны на этом изображении, включить bluetooth, то все работает хорошо, но если на alcatel выключить bluetooth, то и с первым телефоном связь прерывается в процессе работы. Если же Alcatel удалить из bluesolei окружения и из настроек плагина, то связь с оставшимся телефоном устойчивая.

If both phones, which are shown in this image, turn on the bluetooth, it all works well but if alcatel bluetooth off, and with the first telephone connection is lost in the process. If Alcatel remove from the bluesolei environment and from the plugin settings, connection to the remaining telephone stable.

If i understand, you try to use two phones into the settings and try to switch from one phone to the second ?
If yes , this part of code isn't complete !
Use only one phone into the settings in PhoneDeviceName !
Don't use PhoneDeviceName2 !
Actally, you can connect one, quit the car, then the plugin is in standy and return to the car ! Then the plugin must reconnect to this phone !
So, dn't use AutoSwapPhone feature for now !

pierrotm777 02.11.2016 16:55


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 373367)
эта кнопка работает не правильно

This button does not work correctly
Вложение 45396

It's exactly the same button as the MOBILEPHONE screen!
Click the button extract vcards!
Hold the button sort the main vcard list !

I it used only if a phone is already connected !

Winlin 02.11.2016 17:20


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 373396)
It's exactly the same button as the MOBILEPHONE screen!
Click the button extract vcards!
Hold the button sort the main vcard list !

I it used only if a phone is already connected !

попробуйте нажмите, и посмотрите потом в xml файл

try to click and see then in the xml file

pierrotm777 03.11.2016 12:46

Вложений: 2
New nice feature for the future version !
It will no possible to have the history's list in a simplified format !
For that , i have added a new button attached to the command MOBILEPHONE_PHONEBOOKTYPE .
This command switch to the normal history and the simplified history list !

pierrotm777 10.11.2016 13:16

Вложений: 1
Added new indicators for button's list

Winlin 13.11.2016 08:36

Не закрывается overlay панель, если трубку положили на том конце провода или трубку положить на телефоне , а не кнопкой плагина.

pierrotm777 13.11.2016 09:39


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374168)
Не закрывается overlay панель, если трубку положили на том конце провода или трубку положить на телефоне , а не кнопкой плагина.

Can you explain your issue in English also please?

Winlin 13.11.2016 11:16

does not close the window "MOBILECALL_IN_OVERLAY. skin, if put on the phone handset, rather than the button of skin.


pierrotm777 13.11.2016 13:12


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374176)
does not close the window "MOBILECALL_IN_OVERLAY. skin, if put on the phone handset, rather than the button of skin.


OK, I see that!

pierrotm777 13.11.2016 15:08

Can you try *ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP please ?

Winlin 13.11.2016 16:19

in ExecTBL.ini closes "MOBILECALL_IN_OVERLAY.skin" only on the current screen


this work properly

What events are not yet properly described?

need for separate commands read from phone lists of missed, incoming and outgoing calls.

Winlin 13.11.2016 17:19

нужны команды для раздельного считывания из телефона списков пропущенных, входящих и исходящих вызовов.

pierrotm777 13.11.2016 21:02


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374193)
in ExecTBL.ini closes "MOBILECALL_IN_OVERLAY.skin" only on the current screen


this work properly

What events are not yet properly described?

need for separate commands read from phone lists of missed, incoming and outgoing calls.

Thanks Winlin for this debug:
I have removed the * character for all events (for version 1.6.6 only)
The installer will add this line modified:


pierrotm777 13.11.2016 21:33

We don't need to add PHONECOLSEOVERLAY because it allready exist in the line that follow !

"ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP","ByVar;IsPhoneTalk;< "INCOMMINGCALLENDT2if","ByVar;IsMixerSkinLoad;<PhoneCloseOverlay||EndPhoneCall"
For me, the code run well !

It exist also into the overlay screen on the exit button:


But now than event run well , i have an ESC command when i quit the mobilecall screen !

The line that follow solve that :


Winlin 14.11.2016 08:44


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 374214)
We don't need to add PHONECOLSEOVERLAY because it allready exist in the line that follow !

"*ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP","ByVar;IsPhoneTalk;< "INCOMMINGCALLENDT2if","ByVar;IsMixerSkinLoad;<PhoneCloseOverlay||EndPhoneCall"
For me, the code run well !

don't work


pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:10


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374241)
don't work


Use * for the 1.6.5 version !
But the 1.6.6 will accept only no * .

Winlin 14.11.2016 13:13

need for separate commands read from phone lists of missed, incoming and outgoing calls.

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:16


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374264)
need for separate commands read from phone lists of missed, incoming and outgoing calls.

Theses commands already exist:

mobilephone_pb                  Loads the MobilePhone_PB.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_ich                  Loads the MobilePhone_ICH.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_och                  Loads the MobilePhone_OCH.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_mch                  Loads the MobilePhone_MCH.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_cch                  Loads the MobilePhone_CCH.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_phonebookload;xx        Loads the MobilePhone_XX.txt file into the custom list (XX must be what you want)

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:19

See the file MobilePhone Skin Commands.txt for all commands and events

Winlin 14.11.2016 13:19

need to unload commands FROM YOUR PHONE, rather than from a file

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:27


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374268)
need to unload commands FROM YOUR PHONE, rather than from a file

Sorry, i don't understand what is your need !

Winlin 14.11.2016 13:31

Вложений: 1
Вложение 45504
mobilephone_mch Loads the MobilePhone_MCH.txt file into the custom list

needed commands to generate a file MobilePhone_MCH.txt , MobilePhone_OCH.txt, MobilePhone_ICH.txt

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:44

Use the command mobilephone_phonebookget;MCH or OCH or ICH or CCH or PB

Winlin 14.11.2016 13:59

reads a phone book and makes the file mch.vcf
but not the list of missed calls

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 15:11


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374272)
reads a phone book and makes the file mch.vcf
but not the list of missed calls

I am sorry, but the mobilephone_phonebookget;MCH command build the .vcf file AND also the list file MobilePhone_MCH.txt

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 15:17

Вложений: 1
Look at that:

Winlin 14.11.2016 15:26

the contents of the files MCH.vcf AND MobilePhone_MCH.txt phone book , but not the list of missed calls

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 19:04


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374282)
the contents of the files MCH.vcf AND MobilePhone_MCH.txt phone book , but not the list of missed calls

You will find these files into the PhoneBook directory !
For reload these files, you must to use the command:

CLCLEAR;ALL||CLLOAD;C:\Program Files\TipTop software\iCar DS\Extentions\MobilePhone\PhoneBook\MobilePhone_MCH.txt

Winlin 14.11.2016 19:14

When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget; MCH get files MCH.vcf AND MobilePhone_MCH.txt

but files contain phonebook, rather than a list of missed calls

When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget;XX only changes the name of the files and the contents of the always phonebook

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 19:18


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374308)
When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget; MCH get files MCH.vcf AND MobilePhone_MCH.txt

but files contain phonebook, rather than a list of missed calls

When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget;XX only changes the name of the files and the contents of the always phonebook

MCH files are well the missed calls !

What do you want ! I don't understand , sorry !

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 19:21

Hoo, the MCH file return the main phonebook and not the missed calls ?

Winlin 14.11.2016 19:23

Вложений: 1

Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 374309)
What do you want ! I don't understand , sorry !

I want to take it from a phone list of missed calls
When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget;XX only changes the name of the files and the contents of the always phonebook

Вложение 45506

Winlin 14.11.2016 19:32


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 374312)
Hoo, the MCH file return the main phonebook and not the missed calls ?


Krysanov 14.11.2016 19:39

последнее 中國 предупреждение!!!

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