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pierrotm777 23.01.2011 12:56

Can you say me what is the best way to configure foobar2000 with icarDS and the CFStyle:no2:

pierrotm777 23.01.2011 13:15

Slider issue
Вложений: 2
I have an issue with my sliders
This is my code:

S01,797,263,120,29,797,263,120,29,H,01," ",015,"GPSSIGNAL","Gps Signal"

As you can see my sliders are always down

and with this code , the gpssignal is always full(see the second picture):

S01,797,263,120,29,797,263,120,29,H,03," ",015,"GPSSIGNAL","Gps Signal"

Bersenev 23.01.2011 13:42


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 169682)
I have an issue with my sliders
This is my code:

S01,797,263,120,29,797,263,120,29,H,01," ",015,"GPSSIGNAL","Gps Signal"

As you can see my sliders are always down

Is glad to hear you again

S,981,121,13,122,981,121,13,122,V,,"SlopeSliderImages\cursor.png",5,"$SLOPESLIDER$", - this command is not accessible in iCar

About Foobar write to private messages

= Nicki = 23.01.2011 13:51

Чтобы в списках были имена файлов нужно в iCarConfig-Music Use ID3 Tags выбрать No Media Info, no file name formatting по прежнему не работает. Причем если выбрать любую настройку отличную от Media Info в конфигураторе на вкладке Music, то при закрыти iCar вешается на мертво. Винда XP Game ed. одна из поледних сборок. Чистой ХР по рукой нет, завтра на работе проверю.

pierrotm777 23.01.2011 14:05

[QUOTE = Bersenev; 169690] est heureux de vous entendre à nouveau

S, 981,121,13,122,981,121,13,122, V,, "SlopeSliderImages \ cursor.png", 5 ",$SLOPESLIDER$", - cette commande n'est pas accessible dans iCar[/ QUOTE]

If i understand well i can't create a var into an autoit script and use it as a slider ?
If a made a plugin dll , that can run ?

Bersenev 23.01.2011 15:11


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 169694)
[QUOTE = Bersenev; 169690] est heureux de vous entendre à nouveau

S, 981,121,13,122,981,121,13,122, V,, "SlopeSliderImages \ cursor.png", 5 ",$SLOPESLIDER$", - cette commande n'est pas accessible dans iCar[/ QUOTE]

If i understand well i can't create a var into an autoit script and use it as a slider ?
If a made a plugin dll , that can run ?

The answer in private message:bye:

pierrotm777 23.01.2011 15:17

Вложений: 1
I have found a solution.
I have made a little dll for my slopeslider and for the gpssignal.
This is my code:
PHP код:

Public Function ReturnSlider(SLD As String) As Long

'This tells RR that the Slider was not processed in this plugin
    ReturnSlider = -1

    Select Case LCase(SLD)
        Case "slopeslider"
            ReturnSlider = RRSDK.GetInfo("=$SLOPESLIDER$")
        Case "gpssig"
            If RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") = 0 Then
                ReturnSlider = 0
            ElseIf RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") > 0 & RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") < 5 Then
                ReturnSlider = 15000
            ElseIf RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") > 6 & RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") < 10 Then
                ReturnSlider = 30000
            ElseIf RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") > 11 & RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") < 15 Then
                ReturnSlider = 45000
            ElseIf RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") > 16 & RRSDK.GetInfo("GPSSAT") < 20 Then
                ReturnSlider = 65536
            End If
    End Select
End Function 

Now that run very well

pierrotm777 23.01.2011 15:31

Вложений: 1
Another question around the sliders.
I want to change my slider*.gif files.
So , my new code is:
S01,797,263,120,29,797,263,120,29,H,03," ",015,"GPSSIG","Gps Signal"

That give me a slider with a white background.
How can i change that please .

AlexIz 23.01.2011 15:35

А посвятите невладеющих, о чём это вы. Интересно.:blush:

Bersenev 23.01.2011 15:39


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 169706)
Another question around the sliders.
I want to change my slider*.gif files.
So , my new code is:
S01,797,263,120,29,797,263,120,29,H,03," ",015,"GPSSIG","Gps Signal"

That give me a slider with a white background.
How can i change that please .

Use png files instead of gif

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