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-   iCarDS и телефон (http://pccar.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=131)
-   -   MobilePhone Plugin (http://pccar.ru/showthread.php?t=24142)

seriousstas 06.09.2016 15:20

Вложений: 1

the sound is set to maximum
Yes, and have already wrote.


Uninstall issue is solved !
Where , Version 1.5.7 ?


For me , the keyboard is ready
NO work to switch RU-ENG
but Works ENG-RU

Wrong characters displayed now the English keyboard :

pierrotm777 06.09.2016 16:24

About the sound issue:
As duzzy say in the post 194, in the version 1.5.9, i try to use the maximum of the iCarDS events already defined into the ExecTBL.ini file !
For that i comment the lines that follow:

/ ------------------ Сохранение пресетов микшера для телефона --------------------

/ Входящий звонок

/ Исходящий звонок

and add mine:

/ (Incoming call)
/ (End call)
"ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP","ByVar;IsPhoneTalk;< "INCOMMINGCALLENDTif","ByVar;IsMixerSkinLoad;< / (Outgoing call)

I have deleted all code that change the volume with a call in or a call out and think that the lines that follow do already that:

"StartPhoneCall","SetVar;IsPhoneTalk;1||ByVar;IsPausedMedia;< "EndPhoneCall","SaveMixerPreset_Phone||LoadMixerPreset_Media||ByVar;IsPausedMedia;<
In case we need to resume the old volume value, with a call in, the code do:

So, it's possible to use this OLDVOLUME variable for restore the old value:

What the command 'LoadMixerPreset;Phone' load as file please ?

YraY 08.09.2016 01:12

Hey, tell me, how can this plugin to attach call control and call release through physical buttons iCarDuino?

pierrotm777 08.09.2016 11:29


Сообщение от YraY (Сообщение 368738)
Hey, tell me, how can this plugin to attach call control and call release through physical buttons iCarDuino?

For that, you need to read how the screen MOBILECALL.skin is done !
For accept a call in:

For stop a call or not accept a call in:

For use or not the car's speaker:

Create a command for each off the read codes !

seriousstas 09.09.2016 02:41


А самое прикольное что сам Блюсолей не видит тел.книгу моего телефона))) а через Икар ее можно спокойно смотреть и редактировать
Плагин Пьера мою тел.книгу не выгружает вообще...

Подтверждаю ! , из BlueSoleil Space
- не видит моей телефонной книги , как из iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.6 ,
НО через родной "Телефон" книга читается без проблем !

Confirmed! ,
BlueSoleil Space can not see my phone book as like iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.6,
But a native "Phone" book is read without any problems!

duzzy 09.09.2016 04:22


Standard iCarDS Mobile Phone Plugin can read and edit my phone book without any problems. As well as received calls, missed calls, dialled numbers.
And starts without delay, crashes and high CPU usage.

Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) version 1.5.6 with its deletion deletes important files(from LABELS, language dir) for iCarDS and iCarDS becomes not working. Bad uninstallation, leaves behind traces in the plugins directory, etc. :telephone:

No offense but from my point of view, the main functions of the plugin it calls receive calls, phonebook, SMS, search contacts from any connected phone...... they are the most important.

pierrotm777 09.09.2016 10:38


Сообщение от duzzy (Сообщение 368846)

Standard iCarDS Mobile Phone Plugin can read and edit my phone book without any problems. As well as received calls, missed calls, dialled numbers.
And starts without delay, crashes and high CPU usage.

Where can i found how to install the standard mobile phone plugin please.
What do i need ?
I see that the conatct list return the contact's picture and i should learn how to do that with iCarDS.
I should like to know how fill a phone list by code !!!!


Сообщение от duzzy (Сообщение 368846)
Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) version 1.5.6 with its deletion deletes important files(from LABELS, language dir) for iCarDS and iCarDS becomes not working. Bad uninstallation, leaves behind traces in the plugins directory, etc. :telephone:

I think that the last 1.5.9 solve these issues.


Сообщение от duzzy (Сообщение 368846)
No offense but from my point of view, the main functions of the plugin it calls receive calls, phonebook, SMS, search contacts from any connected phone...... they are the most important.

Without your help i can't do nothing !

One question, do you think that my plugin will be better than the standard plugin if i solve all issues ?

Thanks for these feed back !!!!!

duzzy 10.09.2016 04:24



Where can i found how to install the standard mobile phone plugin please.
Standard telephone plugin comes with iCarDS installer.

Its settings in the iCarDSConfig.exe...


I see that the conatct list return the contact's picture and i should learn how to do that with iCarDS.
I should like to know how fill a phone list by code !!!!
I don't know how it works. Maybe you will find it easier to contact the developer of iCarDS, he helped you and explained how a phone code works in iCarDS.
one of iCarDS developer Bersenev
Send him a private message explaining and a request to help in the development of the MobilePhone Plugin.


I think that the last 1.5.9 solve these issues.
Good, but the best option is testing and check an Installer before release.


Without your help i can't do nothing !
I can't help with that, I'm not a coder, a little hack here... there... :)
I can help with errors that are found at the plugin working... error report


One question, do you think that my plugin will be better than the standard plugin if i solve all issues ?
Yes, of course !
Of course it will be better with this set of functionality :)


Thanks for these feed back !!!!!
You are welcome!

pierrotm777 10.09.2016 20:09

Вложений: 1
The version 1.6.0 will introduce the 'Lock in Motion' feature completely functional !

If this feature is set to true in settings, the SMS access (read or write) will not possible if the car's speed is > 0 km/h .

seriousstas 11.09.2016 01:26

Немного инфы есть здесь :
кстати то, как в *.ini писать ..

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