![]() |
I see that your main contacts indicator is red, so you have no MobilePhone_PB.txt file under the directory: C:\Program Files\TipTop software\iCar DS\Extentions\MobilePhone\PhoneBook\ Can you delete all the files under this directory, and you will see that on the MOBILEPHONE screen, the extract contact button (second in top right) is blinking ! When all list are ready , you receive a message and all top contacts indicators are green !!!! You can always use the extract contact button manually ! Retry after that the search screens ! I don't understand why skipto icards command don't accept russian alphabet ! I think , we need to change the search screen for have a good use ! But i don't know well all icards command! Where can i found all icards commands list ? I know that the plugin stop and restart always Bluesoleil when iCards is loaded! It's the only method, because Bluesoleil SDK is very hard to use ! The plugin need this time for run correctly ! Цитата:
You need to click on your phone device and after click on the 'Apply' button ! After that, the plugin run alone ! You can quit the setting's screen and click again on the mobilephone button ! This time the plugin will load the main screen and will extract alone the contacts! After the message, just click on the main contacts button ! You have two videos that explain this part ! |
Can be done with a single click "look next" ? - important for large books - where many repetitions Цитата:
Please make if possible re-search button: "NEXT SEARCH", For not to open the keyboard window again and again to the same words: http://pccar.ru/showpost.php?p=365254&postcount=67 Thnx! Цитата:
Run('taskkill /f /im BtTray.exe',"", @SW_HIDE) BlueSoleilCS.exe |
Вложений: 2
Can you try this last screen please ?
Вложений: 1
Can you try these other modified mobilecall screen ?
After 10 secondes, the mobilecall is exited and an overlay replace it ! I suppose than an overlay stay always on top if we change to another screen, but actually, it is exited ! If you have an idea how to do ? |
I added a video in PM
1.Now stopped working SMS read (but works from BlueSoleil). Previously it worked. 2. Search works well with large keyboard (hold) and still does not work with smallt does not work with small (single-click). still does not work with small (single-click). Search works, but for small letters. And all the letters are still do not have enough. It should be 32 - 26 there. Yet sometimes when starting a window appears IcarDS falling, but IcarDS not falling - everything works well. |
Does not display the them. Always blinks search (infinitely) I put back again iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.4.9 DS Setup.exe and messages are displayed! Цитата:
Other - well read ! Цитата:
Seeking the All - 385, then again Unrear - 68 The following start - not seeking at all. ADD Video3 |
iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.0 DS Setup
"Msg Read" icon blinking after search(infinitely) Keyboard : Цитата:
Did you have modify the settings for your country ?
Think you need to keep 112 for emergency. About your voice message and don't know ! I can change that into the installer if needed ! |
See PM |
What is it and how to translate? :
PhoneSpeechRecognitionReset These buttons (commands) do not work! : l_set_BTM_Update l_set_BTM_Pair l_set_BTM_UnPair l_set_BTM_DeletePaired These letters is no in a small keyboard : Б Ж Л Х Э Ю Цитата:
If use iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.4.9 DS Setup (V1.5 DS Setup) installer with two checkboxes, at the start,
then need to do these points from the readme ?: Цитата:
Write a new instruction - I'll translate. Readme.txt is not actual. |
Вложений: 3
1 indicator looks for SMS endlessly and constantly blinking. 2 Keypad search (by first letter) does not work! Please remove it and make basic by clicking - a second keyboard (hold). 3 All messages are recorded in dialer string - and it is not convenient then removed (screen №2) 4 Closing the "information window" (1-t screen) often leads either to freeze or to IcarDS fall. 5 Why can not you just dial the number - why should I enter? 6 New window continues to hang from the top, if you close the other button. I think - this window do not need (screen №3) Why Prefix box? and how to change the country on your own? |
Read your sms with your phone , you will see that the indicator blinking is stopped and number return 0. Цитата:
Into the second setting's screen, click on the second right line and change with your country code. You can also change it with a text editor (replace 33 by your code). The two buttons under the 'Apply' (save button) are needed. One stop any change and the second, save a default xml file! I have the idea to have just one SMS notification after the icarDS start and only other one notification each time we receive a new sms ! PS. The last version 1.5.1 solve the iPhone issue with the sms that we can no read ! |
Вложений: 1
Can you test this new keyboard !
I think that all your letters are in this version ! By default, the variable KBLAYOUT is set to 0 for your country ! SETVAR;KBLAYOUT;0 |
Into the MOBILPHONE.skin screen, edit the button search with:
also 2 th character
2 th character it should be " Б " , but not " Ь " 7 th character it should be " Ё " , but not " Я " |
Вложений: 1
Like that ?
If someone can say me if this code is correct ?
If LANGNAME = RU then KBLAYOUT =1 else KBLAYOUT = 0 Код:
Вложений: 1
I think needs a "Reconnect" button for such cases:
In the original application "Phone", I: 1 - load the shell 2 Go to the keyboard - dialed number manually 3- Press the phone call (green call button) IT'S ALL in MobilePhone I: 1 - load the shell 2 - Wait for 10-12 seconds 3- Go to the keyboard - erase some messages in a string instead of a number 4 - dialed number manually & Press ENTER ??? - need to immediately press the green call button 5 - Press the "Phone call"(green call button) 6 - Begins to close various information screens such as MAP is ready http://rgho.st/69n7yLS47/thumb.png What is "MAP is ready", and why should I do the whole screen? http://rgho.st/78V2DP279/thumb.png How to disable the proposal - save contact? It can automatically disappear? This window is superfluous, and it continues to hang, if the disable another button : http://rgho.st/8ZnX2QhfF/thumb.png Please add to the settings: Disable all the information window! Цитата:
http://rgho.st/86ZyLCpXW/thumb.png Country & code Цитата:
And all contacts letter is uppercase |
I had one command that force the check loop! mobilephone_stopallcheck stop or restart MAP and Network check (toogle command) mobilephone_stopallcheck;1 stop MAP and Network check. mobilephone_stopallcheck;0 restart MAP and Network check. Цитата:
That is possible is to add a hold button feature for all letter that add the SHIFT command before the search ! |
I do not see any changes : |
Again - contacts are not added - because BlueSoleil not compatible with the phone(contacts only!). In the video - other problems and other not convenience |
http://muonium.rgho.st/7ztwcdmT8/thumb.png On other phones - all sees |
New versions without changes Кто желает попробовать - для работы плагина нужно сделать небольшие правки в трех файлах : \Documents\iCarDS\skins\Chameleon\skin.ini \Documents\iCarDS\skins\Chameleon\setting.ini \Documents\iCarDS\skins\Chameleon\ExecTBL.ini Установка MobilePhone Plugin : 1. setting.ini - (открыть в блокноте или любым текстовым редактором) : добавить строку plugin_MobilePhone_is=1 найти поиском строку (нажав CTRL+F) plugin_RRSkinTool_is=0 заменить на plugin_SkinTool_is=1 (сохранить изменения) skin.ini - (открыть в блокноте или любым текстовым редактором) : добавить строку plugin_MobilePhone_is=1 (сохранить изменения) ExecTBL.ini- (открыть в блокноте или любым текстовым редактором) найти поиском строку (нажав CTRL+F) "LoadPlugins","BYVAR;plugin_SkinTool_is;< заменить на "LoadPlugins","BYVAR;plugin_SkinTool_is;< найти поиском строку (нажав CTRL+F) "CF_Phoco","Phoco||Set_PhocoMode" заменить на "CF_Phoco","MOBILEPHONE" Добавить строки : "LoadPlugins","BYVAR;plugin_MobilePhone_is;< "ONCLCLICK","MOBILEPHONE_SETTINGS_UPDATEINFODEVICE",MobilePhone_settings.skin "ONCLCLICK","MOBILEPHONE_UPDATECL",MobilePhone.skin "ONCLDBLCLICK","MOBILEPHONE_FAVORITE_ADD",MobilePhone.skin "ONCLDBLCLICK","MOBILEPHONE_ADDCOUNTRYPREFIX",MobilePhone_Info.skin "ONCLCLICK","UPDATE_IMAGE",MobilePhone_SmsModels.skin 2. Сделать установку из шапки : iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.x.x DS Setup.zip c чекбоксами . 3. Открыть "Телефон" в iCar DS => Обновить устройства "Список Устройств" , выбрать своё => "Применить" => "Обновить" базу данных => перезагрузить iCar DS и дождаться значка "Телефон" => Открыть "Телефон" и пользоваться. Все последующие запуски после 10-ти секундного ожидания |
I am not ok with you, the code run now better the skipto icards don't run as we want ! I have no issue with a latin letters ! Why issue with the russian letters ? Did you have tried to receive a call in and see if we have a popup the the number and the name ? If you have the two last settings to true, you would not have map popup ! I have added your translated how to into the readme file ! |
the contact book is unreadable from my phone, it gives an error "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." and OK button... http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/bd/3b/bd...ece90d7d8b.jpg http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/73/d8/73...9473d43fdc.jpg it is unclear what kind of keyboard, how to use it and what with the alphabet and where is Russian ??? http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/b4/02/b4...e0dad4d77a.jpg services supported by the phone... http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/47/8f/47...41ceba71c1.jpg read only dialed numbers... missed calls... and received numbers http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/1d/e4/1d...390fc34c4f.jpg http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/23/6f/23...063451e4fd.jpg http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/a8/c8/a8...8693a5fd5b.jpg SMS does not read at all... http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/99/7b/99...0c5b080944.jpg P.S. The installation of the plugin is very uncomfortable for car use... Why not use AutoIt to replace strings in files of the skin, or other scripting language to perform these functions ??? |
По идее - плагин должен читать то-же , что и BlueSoleil 10 . Попробуй вначале выполни поиск функций ( ПКМ по устройству ) и прочитай книгу и СМС в самом BlueSoleil (там-же по ПКМ) через "Обновить" : http://rgho.st/7ztwcdmT8.view |
please correct it! Аfter removal of C: \ Program Files (x86) \ TipTop software \ iCar DS \ Extentions \ MobilePhone \ MobilePhone.xml works SMS reading, but if I read all SMS through - the icon blinks anyway Need Installer, which first removes the old [B] MobilePhone.xml [/ B] and making all records for skin.ini setting.ini ExecTBL.ini automatically |
It's would be better than Lexx09 add this options for MOBILEPHONE definitively into these 3 files ! duzzy, I have forgotten to uncomment the line that follow into the SKIPTO_OSK.skin screen: Script,OnScreenStart,SETVAR;KBLAYOUT;0 About the datetime error , can you send me you vcf file please by PM ? Certainly a different date time format ? What phone do you use and what OS? |
The first, which looking at the first letter (if select russian) - are still not working with uppercase letters. Must press SHIFT - the keyboard letters are uppercase and then search for work. With Latin alphabet - everything works in all registers.. Цитата:
Mail : bersenev_s@mail.ru |
Stay value from 5 to 2 minimum. Default is 5. Цитата:
see PM 28.07.2016, 23:32 Цитата:
Часовой пояс GMT +4, время: 08:33. |
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