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bluescreen25 19.02.2008 19:26


Сообщение от BeRuSa (Сообщение 52297)
Из всех версий, хорошо работает только V1.0
V2.0_Release, V2.1_Edition - жутко тормозят при воспроизведении видеофайлов.
То есть, я захожу в папку Media -> выбираю Video -> Нажимаю на видеофайл и жду минуты две пока он начнет воспроизводиться.
Кто-нибудь с этим сталкивался?
Это баг или фича?

No Problem to solve your VideoProblems. In V2.0 we changed the VideoSource but its in code and i can make a choice in Setup, so you can play Video like in V1.0.

At Video it gives the possibility of software and hardware render the videofile. And this we changed....Next Update has an option for both render.

regards, bluescreen

BeRuSa 19.02.2008 19:45

Well. Thanks. I shall try.

bluescreen25 20.02.2008 16:55

Вложений: 1

Сообщение от BeRuSa (Сообщение 52304)
Well. Thanks. I shall try.

Please try out this exe for Video and feedback if it gets better.

BeRuSa 20.02.2008 18:08

I have established the new version of codec packs K-Lite.
It solve problem.

If there will be a new problem I shall try yours .exe file


bluescreen25 20.02.2008 18:35


Сообщение от BeRuSa (Сообщение 52444)
I have established the new version of codec packs K-Lite.
It solve problem.

If there will be a new problem I shall try yours .exe file


I wanted to know if it works faster or slower on you computer. Please try the different exe with one Video and feedback.

regards, bluescreen

BeRuSa 20.02.2008 18:46

Ok. I shall try and feedback.


BeRuSa 21.02.2008 18:38

After start DVD, then I start video. Video starts to brake.
After copying your file all works regularly.
1. When the player is started, I come in DVD, but sound DVD is absent.
Sound will appear only after a contact of the volume button.

2. If the program to close at play DVD, and again to load, the audioplayer starts with sound.
If to load DVD the sound of an audioplayer will not be gone.

3. In an audio player doe's not work "repeat".


Stas_Ryga 26.02.2008 21:33

bluescreen25 Hi!
Perfect FrontEnd!!! Is it possible make equalizer parameters depending to volume setting (loudness function)? As i know this function is available in RR.

bluescreen25 26.02.2008 22:03


Сообщение от Stas_Ryga (Сообщение 52989)
bluescreen25 Hi!
Perfect FrontEnd!!! Is it possible make equalizer parameters depending to volume setting (loudness function)? As i know this function is available in RR.

Yes, as a new feature its in planing to have little DSP (digital soundprocessor) with some Presets....


nkt1963 06.04.2008 23:29

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