PCCar.ru - Ваш автомобильный компьютер

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pierrotm777 25.10.2016 15:59

When you use the new plugin , do you think to set off the original plugin into iCarDSConfig.exe ?

pierrotm777 26.10.2016 16:44

I have done several tests with the Bersenev version !
The new plugin seems running well !
But if i try to use the two plugins in same time, it's not possible to call a contact with the original plugin !
I think that will be the same issue with the version 1.7.060 b19 !!!

seriousstas 26.10.2016 16:57

All use version 1.7.060.
It does not matter by Bersenev or by Lexx09

duzzy 26.10.2016 22:28


Hello :smile2:
If it's not too much trouble maybe you write a little program in VB.NET to toggle speakers <> mobile phone ?
fist run program get phone and write to ini...
next run program read from ini and just toggle connected phone... speakers <> phone.

This little tool very help people who use standard icards phone plugin :yes2:.

pierrotm777 27.10.2016 17:21

Вложений: 1
New feature in 1.6.4 version !
Sms reader screen return if a file is attached !

pierrotm777 27.10.2016 17:23


Сообщение от duzzy (Сообщение 372668)

Hello :smile2:
If it's not too much trouble maybe you write a little program in VB.NET to toggle speakers <> mobile phone ?

Please, read this link http://pccar.ru/showpost.php?p=372518&postcount=352
But this command is only for the new plugin !
I don't know the command for the original plugin (if its exist ) !


Сообщение от duzzy (Сообщение 372668)
fist run program get phone and write to ini...
next run program read from ini and just toggle connected phone... speakers <> phone.
This little tool very help people who use standard icards phone plugin :yes2:.

You want save this in ini file for the standard phone plugin ?
I can't for the original plugin but it's possible for my new plugin !
I have no access to the original plugin code !!!

Winlin 27.10.2016 19:17

Вложений: 1
Вложение 45310

contact always Unknow Sender

№ telephone always empty

The "IDmessage" is not fully displayed

plugin 1.6.3 iCar

resolution 1024*600

pierrotm777 27.10.2016 19:46


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 372753)
Вложение 45310

contact always Unknow Sender

№ telephone always empty

The "IDmessage" is not fully displayed

plugin 1.6.3 iCar

resolution 1024*600

Good comments Winlin :acute: I have solved these issues today !
Version 1.6.4 will be updated !

Winlin 27.10.2016 20:46

contact always "Неизвестно"

№ telephone always empty

Winlin 27.10.2016 20:59

reload, resetup, no changes

contact always "Неизвестно"

№ telephone always empty

and you don't need to select plugin

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