PCCar.ru - Ваш автомобильный компьютер

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-   -   SkinTool for DS (http://pccar.ru/showthread.php?t=14353)

pierrotm777 22.02.2011 20:07


Сообщение от format_c (Сообщение 174633)
нету ссылки

Sorry , i have an issue with this version

pierrotm777 23.02.2011 17:27

You can download this new version:big:

pierrotm777 02.03.2011 18:19

Please, see first post :yes2:

pierrotm777 03.03.2011 16:41

Little update for a best compatibility with Vista and seven !

pierrotm777 03.03.2011 22:59

The 'Live Debug Log' is ok NOW .
I wish you a good use .

Some minor bug exist, but i try to solve them !:big:

pierrotm777 04.03.2011 22:29

Last update.
See the first post for the adds .

Delete your skintoolds.ini file for use this new version !!!:bye:

pierrotm777 07.03.2011 20:50

See the first post for a new version (V1.1), with news options !!! :yes4:

-The 'Window Info' run well now
-I have added a 'compare two folders' option into the tools.
-Under the 'Edit Screen' button exist now a button for edit all file that you want into the skin folder with a filter (*.skin,*.txt,*.png and *.*)
-under the 'Gps' button exit a ''Net' button that show you the upload and download speed .
-slider option is now ok and with a combo option !
-you compare two folders !

pierrotm777 09.03.2011 22:54

update v1.2
-the double | is now saved into the command's list
(you can send a command as , activate;Sygic FLEET||sendkey;{F1} and see it well into the list)
-the commands list and variables list are now in real time when you use the option 'Clear Settings'

pierrotm777 12.03.2011 19:41

Update v 1.3
New little version:
-the editor's list has the filter (*.skin,*.txt,*.ini,*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.png,*.*)th at run now.
-the network meter is now always on the top right,put into the tools gui and give you your ip !
-added a backup for the variables with a $ into the name (=$skinpath$)
-added a backup for the sliders with and without a $ into the name (=$slider$)
-added the possibility to edit the label_list.txt and label_xx.ini files (DSFiles)

If you use already an older skintoolds version please backup your skintoolds.ini file and delete it !

pierrotm777 23.03.2011 23:08

v1.5 update
new features and bugs fixed ( see first post please ! ):big:

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