PCCar.ru - Ваш автомобильный компьютер

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Winlin 29.10.2016 17:46

1. http://pccar.ru/showpost.php?p=372892&postcount=390

2 in the history, if there are no numbers in the phone book, you must display the phone number not null, as it is now.

pierrotm777 29.10.2016 19:09


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 372986)

By default, the favorite screen is empty ! You have 12 positions for save your own favorite !
Favorites are saved in the beginning of the skin.ini file !

2 in the history, if there are no numbers in the phone book, you must display the phone number not null, as it is now.[/QUOTE]
What do you call 'history', the contact's list ?
I don't understand, sorry !
Send a picture please , if possible with english language !

pierrotm777 29.10.2016 19:13

Winlin, i think understand your first problem . It's not in the favorite screen but in the multi number caller.
I have this issue also if the contact has two identic number type (CELLULAR,CELLULAR or HOME,HOME)
I must to see why i have this problem.

pierrotm777 29.10.2016 21:13

I have found the multi number screen issue!
It was an iCarDS issue with the use of BYVAR in an indicator !

I use File;$MYVAR$ for solve this issue !


Winlin 30.10.2016 06:30

Вложений: 1

Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 372992)
2 in the history, if there are no numbers in the phone book, you must display the phone number not null, as it is now

What do you call 'history', the contact's list ?
I don't understand, sorry !
Send a picture please , if possible with english language !

calls in, calls out, all calls ....

Вложение 45353

Winlin 30.10.2016 07:04


multi number caller not work properly

If you open an account with 3 numbers, then Subscriber with 2, then 3-rd number shows from the previous Subscriber.

Photo not show.

pierrotm777 30.10.2016 12:29


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 372986)
1. http://pccar.ru/showpost.php?p=372892&postcount=390

2 in the history, if there are no numbers in the phone book, you must display the phone number not null, as it is now.

Please, send the vcard for these contacts that have no name or no number in history list.

And if possible a part of your MobilePhone_*CH.txt files .


Winlin 30.10.2016 12:34

я подредактировал MOBILECALL_IN_OVERLAY.skin , чтобы можно было вернуться в MOBILECALL.skin

[Contact's Infos]
IMG,120,0,360,108,"$SkinPath$Theme\$ThemeButtons$\buttons\menu_8_260_ 90_off.png",off
IMG,120,0,360,108,"$SkinPath$Theme\$ThemeButtons$\buttons\menu_8_260_ 90_on.png",on
IMG,120,0,360,108,"$SkinPath$Theme\$ThemeButtons$\buttons\menu_8_260_ 90_down.png",down
IMG,120,0,360,108,"$SkinPath$Theme\$ThemeButtons$\buttons\menu_8_260_ 90_shadow_$shadow$.png",off
L,227,12,248,22,#FontMainBottomRed#,#FontMainBotto mGreen#,#FontMainBottomBlue#,18,#FontMainBottomSty le#,"=$l_set_BTM_Calling$","CENTER"
L,227,43,249,22,#FontMainBottomRed#,#FontMainBotto mGreen#,#FontMainBottomBlue#,18,#FontMainBottomSty le#,"MOBILEPHONE_CALLERNAME","CENTER"
L,228,75,249,21,#FontMainBottomRed#,#FontMainBotto mGreen#,#FontMainBottomBlue#,18,#FontMainBottomSty le#,"MOBILEPHONE_CALLERID","CENTER"

Winlin 30.10.2016 12:40


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 373029)
Please, send the vcard for these contacts that have no name in history list.


not understood what a vcard, if those strings that are not in the phone book?

pierrotm777 30.10.2016 12:52


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 373031)
not understood what a vcard, if those strings that are not in the phone book?

vcard files are the *.vcf files.
Or send me the MobilePhone_*CH.txt files please !
Just a part of these files !

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