![]() |
Вложений: 1
Added new indicators for button's list
Не закрывается overlay панель, если трубку положили на том конце провода или трубку положить на телефоне , а не кнопкой плагина.
does not close the window "MOBILECALL_IN_OVERLAY. skin, if put on the phone handset, rather than the button of skin.
event ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP not works. |
Can you try *ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP please ?
in ExecTBL.ini closes "MOBILECALL_IN_OVERLAY.skin" only on the current screen replaced "*ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP","PHONECLOSEOVERLAY||ByVar;IsPhoneTalk;< this work properly What events are not yet properly described? need for separate commands read from phone lists of missed, incoming and outgoing calls. |
нужны команды для раздельного считывания из телефона списков пропущенных, входящих и исходящих вызовов.
I have removed the * character for all events (for version 1.6.6 only) The installer will add this line modified: Код:
We don't need to add PHONECOLSEOVERLAY because it allready exist in the line that follow ! Код:
"ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP","ByVar;IsPhoneTalk;< It exist also into the overlay screen on the exit button: Код:
IMG,480,0,120,108,"$SkinPath$Theme\$ThemeButtons$\buttons\btn_r_100_90_off.png",off The line that follow solve that : Код:
"INCOMMINGCALLENDT2if","ByVar;IsMixerSkinLoad;< |
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