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Winlin 14.11.2016 08:44


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 374214)
We don't need to add PHONECOLSEOVERLAY because it allready exist in the line that follow !

"*ONMOBILEPHONEHUNGUP","ByVar;IsPhoneTalk;< "INCOMMINGCALLENDT2if","ByVar;IsMixerSkinLoad;<PhoneCloseOverlay||EndPhoneCall"
For me, the code run well !

don't work


pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:10


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374241)
don't work


Use * for the 1.6.5 version !
But the 1.6.6 will accept only no * .

Winlin 14.11.2016 13:13

need for separate commands read from phone lists of missed, incoming and outgoing calls.

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:16


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374264)
need for separate commands read from phone lists of missed, incoming and outgoing calls.

Theses commands already exist:

mobilephone_pb                  Loads the MobilePhone_PB.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_ich                  Loads the MobilePhone_ICH.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_och                  Loads the MobilePhone_OCH.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_mch                  Loads the MobilePhone_MCH.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_cch                  Loads the MobilePhone_CCH.txt file into the custom list
mobilephone_phonebookload;xx        Loads the MobilePhone_XX.txt file into the custom list (XX must be what you want)

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:19

See the file MobilePhone Skin Commands.txt for all commands and events

Winlin 14.11.2016 13:19

need to unload commands FROM YOUR PHONE, rather than from a file

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:27


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374268)
need to unload commands FROM YOUR PHONE, rather than from a file

Sorry, i don't understand what is your need !

Winlin 14.11.2016 13:31

Вложений: 1
Вложение 45504
mobilephone_mch Loads the MobilePhone_MCH.txt file into the custom list

needed commands to generate a file MobilePhone_MCH.txt , MobilePhone_OCH.txt, MobilePhone_ICH.txt

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 13:44

Use the command mobilephone_phonebookget;MCH or OCH or ICH or CCH or PB

Winlin 14.11.2016 13:59

reads a phone book and makes the file mch.vcf
but not the list of missed calls

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