PCCar.ru - Ваш автомобильный компьютер

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-   -   Программа диагностики автомобилей "Тестер ECU III" (http://pccar.ru/showthread.php?t=17386)

hamed-pc 14.04.2016 16:47


Сообщение от тсж39 (Сообщение 358353)
вы уже пробовали подключаться или хотите выяснить будут ли последствия

i try to connect to my care for see live data parameter of sensor

ayra66 14.04.2016 20:59


Сообщение от hamed-pc (Сообщение 358354)
i try to connect to my care for see live data parameter of sensor

Usually on the K line pin will be the push pull voltage(nearly 10-12 volt).

hamed-pc 14.04.2016 21:12


Сообщение от ayra66 (Сообщение 358367)
Usually on the K line pin will be the push pull voltage(nearly 10-12 volt).

you mean i must pull up from 12 VB to K line ? such as on VAG Com pin 14 , 11 on LM339 Pull up 1Kohm resister from 12V ?

ayra66 14.04.2016 22:17

No, I mean that in ECU usually the K line pin is pulled up to 12 volt by the 5 -10 Kohm resistor.

hamed-pc 14.04.2016 22:30


Сообщение от ayra66 (Сообщение 358373)
No, I mean that in ECU usually the K line pin is pulled up to 12 volt by the 5 -10 Kohm resistor.

ok . so on this diagram R2 Resistor 1 KOhm Chang to 10 Kohm ?
Are you Sure ?


ayra66 14.04.2016 23:11

No! I mean that in Control unit of your car the K line pin is pulled up to 12v by the 10 k resistor and on the K line pin on the diagnostic connector of your car will be nearly 10-12 volt.If ther is no voltage may be damaged the wire which is conecting the diag connector to ECU ,imho.

hamed-pc 14.04.2016 23:29


Сообщение от ayra66 (Сообщение 358380)
No! I mean that in Control unit of your car the K line pin is pulled up to 12v by the 10 k resistor and on the K line pin on the diagnostic connector of your car will be nearly 10-12 volt.If ther is no voltage may be damaged the wire which is conecting the diag connector to ECU ,imho.

i tested the Cable From K line on diagnostic my car Connected to the pin 11 on ecu .
no Damage Cable .
also in the Mechanical and Tune . With Scan tools was good connect to my care . and worked
Excuse me for my bad English . Do you understand my mean?

Lexter33 17.04.2016 10:38

добрых суток...помогите пожалуйста мне прописать иммобелайзер в нисссан сима гф50... пин с коробочки есть...

ayra66 17.04.2016 10:41

hamed-pc Yor car is not OBD 2 compartable. Haoever,try to connect to your ECU by the TECu 2 programm, Hundai protocol,pin10 in diadnostic is K line for engine and pin 14 is ground.
P.S. In your car engine K line is with open collector and there will be on voltage without diagnostic tool connected.

Д.И.Б. 17.04.2016 15:16

skyline 2002 год яп. почему то не увидел параметры из АКПП. В чём может быть причина, кто знает?

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