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pierrotm777 19.07.2016 15:07

Вложений: 1

Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365050)
Win 10
All happened at the second attempt
But I suggest simplify installation) :

Please note - The text climbs out beyond buttons (full screen)

Firstly, did you have installed Bluesoleil and paired your phone !
If yes, you need to setup the plugin only !

It's better !

Then, click on the 4 th left button (that create a list of the phones paired)
If you have no list, Go to Bluesoleil software and paire your phone !!!!
See the picture:
Red cercle say that the phone is paired!

The name will be added to the xml setting file automagically by the plugin !

I have added 2 video in the first post and a zip file for a manual installation !!!!

pierrotm777 19.07.2016 15:14

About the button's text, i need to change that !

Installation is realy easy . Just follow my instructions one time !!!!

seriousstas 20.07.2016 04:49

Excellent work!!!

Many problems with the translation (I suggest setting is not translated!), but there are other problems:
1. Switching between phone (device selection numbers) causes an error and the closure of IcarDS.
I tried on different PCs.
2. Does not work search contacts! . No change in the search language. The letters are arranged randomly, fade too quickly.
3. If BlueSoleil can not find the SMS (the rest finds all) - the icon will blink permanently ..
4. Window call too quickly disappear.
5. Manually must be called immediately printed number - Enter is unnecessary movement (there is the same need to add a complete cleaning of the window at the touch, it is better to open input window blank.).

Add more, the contacts is not sorted by alphabet - it is almost not possible to make search

pierrotm777 20.07.2016 16:55


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365124)
Excellent work!!!



Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365124)
Many problems with the translation (I suggest setting is not translated!)

The language russian file is under C:\Program Files\TipTop software\iCar DS\Extentions\MobilePhone\Languages\russian\russia n.txt
If you want help me for a better translation ?


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365124)
1. Switching between phone (device selection numbers) causes an error and the closure of IcarDS.
I tried on different PCs.

The switch code isn't complete. But at the end, the code will search what phone is in the car and will switch automatically, just set to false the auto switch feature into the settings!


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365124)
2. Does not work search contacts! . No change in the search language. The letters are arranged randomly, fade too quickly.

May be the keyboard search is not well done for a russian user but it run for me !
I use the french as regional language!
If you have an idea how to have the good keyboard for all language ?
Fade can by stopped by delting the line V,200.


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365124)
3. If BlueSoleil can not find the SMS (the rest finds all) - the icon will blink permanently ..

I know, i need to change that !


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365124)
4. Window call too quickly disappear.

When you receive a call in or when you do a call out ?
Comment the line IDL,30 into the MOBILECALL.skin screen


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365124)
5. Manually must be called immediately printed number - Enter is unnecessary movement (there is the same need to add a complete cleaning of the window at the touch, it is better to open input window blank.).

Can you explain please what you speak about!
You can delete a number when you use the number osk by hold the < key !


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365124)
Add more, the contacts is not sorted by alphabet - it is almost not possible to make search

You can use the command that follow just after a vcard extract!

Thanks for this debug!:rolleyes2:

pierrotm777 20.07.2016 21:05

I think than your keyboard is in bad order because i have build the keyboard in ABCD order and not QWERTY or AZERTY !
We can do that for change it:



L,10,7,50,34,#FontMainBottomRed#,#FontMainBottomGreen#,#FontMainBottomBlue#,22,"Arial:B","BYVAR;KBLAYOUT;VKKEY:65< B,0,0,70,50,"EXIT||BYVAR;KBLAYOUT;SETVARBYCODE;NEWKEY;VKKEY:65<
the code 66 is an example !

Can i use the link by example ?
Or can you send me the ascii code of your alphabet in order please ?

seriousstas 21.07.2016 00:28


want help me for a better translation ?
I'll try, but my English is not very ..


If you have an idea how to have the good keyboard for all language ?
I'm not a programmer - see originalnіy Telephone in IcarDS.
* There all okay and sorted in the contact list and the keyboard


When you receive a call in or when you do a call out ?
when do a call out


You can delete a number when you use the number osk by hold the < key !


You can use the command that follow just after a vcard extract!
I do not really understand this :)


Can you send a picture of your search keyboard with the bad order please ?

Do you see all Cyrillic characters ?
26, but need :
А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ё,Ж, З, И, Й, К, Л, М, Н, О, П, Р, С, Т, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я-33


Or can you send me the ascii code of your alphabet in order please ?
This is not it? (visual-basic) :

Our keyboard looks like this (QWERTY):
The keyboard in alphabetical :

more in search (if it will work for Cyrillic)
1 Need to input a word, but not the first letter
2. Need the Next button (There is such a in iCarDS_1.7.0.60b16.exe)

seriousstas 21.07.2016 14:40


If i understand, you want search a complete name and not only by one letter!
(Yeah) I want to search , like "Telephone" in the original application. So as necessarily need Next Search button (do not enter the word again, and this button has recently appeared in a new installer iCarDS_1.7.0.60)
For example, to search for Andrew (his mother) : Андрей (его Мама), need to press three times "Next" (Далее):
1 Мама
2 Сергея Мама
3 Андрей (его Мама)


If i understand, for the sorted keyboard, i must to use the ascii code from 192 to 223, exact ?
I so think, but I can only test helps :) Try to ask questions in the Private box to one of the developers

seriousstas 21.07.2016 15:02


Сообщение от seriousstas Посмотреть сообщение
2. Does not work search contacts! . No change in the search language. The letters are arranged randomly, fade too quickly.

May be the keyboard search is not well done for a russian user but it run for me !
I use the french as regional language!
Search Russian letters works but only if the first letter of a little
(Eg andrew find, but Andrew did not find).
It is necessary to turn off the dependence of the upper-lower case

pierrotm777 21.07.2016 18:47


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365259)
Search Russian letters works but only if the first letter of a little
(Eg andrew find, but Andrew did not find).
It is necessary to turn off the dependence of the upper-lower case

An option that accept dependence or not on the command SEARCHLIST will be welcome !
By example:
SEARCHLIST;Myname;true (return only Myname and not myname)
SEARCHLIST;Myname;false (return Myname and mYnAme and myname ...)

seriousstas 21.07.2016 22:34


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 365278)
Can you try this key board ?
SETVAR;KBLAYOUT;0 --> latin keyboard
SETVAR;KBLAYOUT;1 --> russian keyboard

Replaced two files:

Now, if I choose to search butt - I do not see this (search)window
Nothing appears ..


Why plugin reloads BlueSoleil service on startup IcarDS?
Lose time for connections (about 10 seconds).
Also not clear how to go to Contacts from the settings after connecting -
should always close the settings window, and then run the phone again - it is not convenient!

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