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pierrotm777 14.11.2016 15:11


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374272)
reads a phone book and makes the file mch.vcf
but not the list of missed calls

I am sorry, but the mobilephone_phonebookget;MCH command build the .vcf file AND also the list file MobilePhone_MCH.txt

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 15:17

Вложений: 1
Look at that:

Winlin 14.11.2016 15:26

the contents of the files MCH.vcf AND MobilePhone_MCH.txt phone book , but not the list of missed calls

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 19:04


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374282)
the contents of the files MCH.vcf AND MobilePhone_MCH.txt phone book , but not the list of missed calls

You will find these files into the PhoneBook directory !
For reload these files, you must to use the command:

CLCLEAR;ALL||CLLOAD;C:\Program Files\TipTop software\iCar DS\Extentions\MobilePhone\PhoneBook\MobilePhone_MCH.txt

Winlin 14.11.2016 19:14

When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget; MCH get files MCH.vcf AND MobilePhone_MCH.txt

but files contain phonebook, rather than a list of missed calls

When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget;XX only changes the name of the files and the contents of the always phonebook

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 19:18


Сообщение от Winlin (Сообщение 374308)
When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget; MCH get files MCH.vcf AND MobilePhone_MCH.txt

but files contain phonebook, rather than a list of missed calls

When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget;XX only changes the name of the files and the contents of the always phonebook

MCH files are well the missed calls !

What do you want ! I don't understand , sorry !

pierrotm777 14.11.2016 19:21

Hoo, the MCH file return the main phonebook and not the missed calls ?

Winlin 14.11.2016 19:23

Вложений: 1

Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 374309)
What do you want ! I don't understand , sorry !

I want to take it from a phone list of missed calls
When you run the command mobilephone_phonebookget;XX only changes the name of the files and the contents of the always phonebook

Вложение 45506

Winlin 14.11.2016 19:32


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 374312)
Hoo, the MCH file return the main phonebook and not the missed calls ?


Krysanov 14.11.2016 19:39

последнее 中國 предупреждение!!!

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