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pierrotm777 22.07.2016 12:56


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365297)
Replaced two files:

Now, if I choose to search butt - I do not see this (search)window
Nothing appears ..

For search by word, you need to hold the button search !

I see that your main contacts indicator is red, so you have no MobilePhone_PB.txt file under the directory:
C:\Program Files\TipTop software\iCar DS\Extentions\MobilePhone\PhoneBook\

Can you delete all the files under this directory, and you will see that on the MOBILEPHONE screen, the extract contact button (second in top right) is blinking !
When all list are ready , you receive a message and all top contacts indicators are green !!!!
You can always use the extract contact button manually !

Retry after that the search screens !
I don't understand why skipto icards command don't accept russian alphabet !
I think , we need to change the search screen for have a good use ! But i don't know well all icards command!
Where can i found all icards commands list ?

I know that the plugin stop and restart always Bluesoleil when iCards is loaded!
It's the only method, because Bluesoleil SDK is very hard to use !
The plugin need this time for run correctly !


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365297)
Also not clear how to go to Contacts from the settings after connecting -
should always close the settings window, and then run the phone again - it is not convenient!

The first time you use the plugin, the xml file hasn't your phone name, so when you click on mobilephone button, the plugin go to the first setting screen !
You need to click on your phone device and after click on the 'Apply' button !
After that, the plugin run alone !
You can quit the setting's screen and click again on the mobilephone button !
This time the plugin will load the main screen and will extract alone the contacts!
After the message, just click on the main contacts button !

You have two videos that explain this part !

seriousstas 22.07.2016 15:14


For search by word, you need to hold the button search!
It works on Hold.
Can be done with a single click "look next" ? - important for large books - where many repetitions


I see that your main contacts indicator is red
This is a problem of compatibility with BlueSoleil - not with the plugin

seriousstas 23.07.2016 00:19


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 365376)
You can swap the click and hold command on this button if you want ?

I do not know about any command there is a speech.
Please make if possible re-search button: "NEXT SEARCH",
For not to open the keyboard window again and again to the same words:

It's the only method, because Bluesoleil SDK is very hard to use !
I already restarted via AutoIt script (along with IcarDS) :

Run('taskkill /f /im BtTray.exe',"", @SW_HIDE)
    Run('taskkill /f /im BlueSoleilCS.exe',"", @SW_HIDE)
    Run('taskkill /f /im BsHelpCS.exe',"", @SW_HIDE)
    Run('taskkill /f /im BsMobileCS.exe',"", @SW_HIDE)
ShellExecute("C:\Program Files (x86)\IVT Corporation\BlueSoleil\BtTray.exe")

And it seems only one restart enough:

pierrotm777 23.07.2016 13:09

Вложений: 2
Can you try this last screen please ?

pierrotm777 23.07.2016 13:27

Вложений: 1
Can you try these other modified mobilecall screen ?
After 10 secondes, the mobilecall is exited and an overlay replace it !

I suppose than an overlay stay always on top if we change to another screen, but actually, it is exited !
If you have an idea how to do ?

seriousstas 23.07.2016 14:21

I added a video in PM

1.Now stopped working SMS read (but works from BlueSoleil).
Previously it worked.

2. Search works well with large keyboard (hold) and still does not work with smallt does not work with small (single-click).
still does not work with small (single-click).
Search works, but for small letters. And all the letters are still do not have enough. It should be 32 - 26 there.

Yet sometimes when starting a window appears IcarDS falling, but IcarDS not falling - everything works well.

seriousstas 23.07.2016 17:59


Сообщение от pierrotm777 (Сообщение 365410)
Run very well for me send a sms to you and you will see that sms icon is blicking when sms number is > 0 .

NEW plugin does not work with messages!
Does not display the them. Always blinks search (infinitely)
I put back again iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.4.9 DS Setup.exe
and messages are displayed!

May be another video ?
this is usually when you first install or replace theme - I can not repeat - but it was several times ..

seriousstas 23.07.2016 21:23


It's not normal
normal! Only with this phone.
Other - well read !

Do you wait 30s for check if SMS is running well ?
Reinstalled - to work, but strangely ..
Seeking the All - 385, then again Unrear - 68
The following start - not seeking at all.
ADD Video3

seriousstas 23.07.2016 21:44

iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.0 DS Setup
"Msg Read" icon blinking after search(infinitely)

Keyboard :

still does not work with small (single-click).
Search works, but for small letters. And all the letters are still not hvaaet. It should be 32 - 26 there.

pierrotm777 24.07.2016 12:14

Did you have modify the settings for your country ?




Think you need to replace 33 by 7.
Think you need to keep 112 for emergency.
About your voice message and don't know !

I can change that into the installer if needed !

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