![]() |
I suppose you have not 40-60 unread messages ? The important thing would be to test the unread code first with 10 unread messages by example, because the goal of this feature is to have a notification when a new message arrive and not the possibility to read all the messages from your phone !!! Can you test with the demo please and return me if with more than 40-60 message the code run or not ? Actually, i have just 60 messages and 3 unread message without issue !!! What android version do you use in your phones please ? |
Вложений: 1
If read through the BlueSoleil Space - no problem. Always load well any аmount! (android 4.4.4) : |
See this video please ! BlueSoleilTest
I know that iphone has some issue with the SDK . Can you try with an android phone ? I have not this issue with my android samsung A5 2016 |
Besides badly working SMS - There were known issues:
1 With a sound (always 100%) 2 Uninstalling - after removing the plug damage * .skin files 3 Keyboard - not finish ... Will you fix? |
If i understand well, when you receive a call in the sound is set to maximum ? Uninstall issue is solved ! For me , the keyboard is ready if you have not other windows opened on your desktop ! |
Вложений: 1
but Works ENG-RU Wrong characters displayed now the English keyboard : |
About the sound issue:
As duzzy say in the post 194, in the version 1.5.9, i try to use the maximum of the iCarDS events already defined into the ExecTBL.ini file ! For that i comment the lines that follow: Код:
/ ------------------ Сохранение пресетов микшера для телефона -------------------- Код:
/ (Incoming call) Код:
"StartPhoneCall","SetVar;IsPhoneTalk;1||ByVar;IsPausedMedia;< Код:
"EndPhoneCall","SaveMixerPreset_Phone||LoadMixerPreset_Media||ByVar;IsPausedMedia;< |
Hey, tell me, how can this plugin to attach call control and call release through physical buttons iCarDuino?
For accept a call in: Код:
B,500,280,200,90,"MOBILEPHONE_HANGUP||ESC","" Код:
B02,300,280,200,90,"MOBILEPHONE_TRANSAUDIO","" |
Подтверждаю ! , из BlueSoleil Space - не видит моей телефонной книги , как из iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.6 , НО через родной "Телефон" книга читается без проблем ! Confirmed! , BlueSoleil Space can not see my phone book as like iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.6, But a native "Phone" book is read without any problems! |
Standard iCarDS Mobile Phone Plugin can read and edit my phone book without any problems. As well as received calls, missed calls, dialled numbers. And starts without delay, crashes and high CPU usage. http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/9e/02/9e...c08f668972.jpg Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) version 1.5.6 with its deletion deletes important files(from LABELS, language dir) for iCarDS and iCarDS becomes not working. Bad uninstallation, leaves behind traces in the plugins directory, etc. :telephone: No offense but from my point of view, the main functions of the plugin it calls receive calls, phonebook, SMS, search contacts from any connected phone...... they are the most important. |
What do i need ? I see that the conatct list return the contact's picture and i should learn how to do that with iCarDS. I should like to know how fill a phone list by code !!!! Цитата:
One question, do you think that my plugin will be better than the standard plugin if i solve all issues ? Thanks for these feed back !!!!! |
Its settings in the iCarDSConfig.exe... http://jpegshare.net/thumbs/c4/11/c4...0c38cbea39.jpg Цитата:
one of iCarDS developer Bersenev Send him a private message explaining and a request to help in the development of the MobilePhone Plugin. Цитата:
I can help with errors that are found at the plugin working... error report Цитата:
Of course it will be better with this set of functionality :) Цитата:
Вложений: 1
The version 1.6.0 will introduce the 'Lock in Motion' feature completely functional !
If this feature is set to true in settings, the SMS access (read or write) will not possible if the car's speed is > 0 km/h . |
Немного инфы есть здесь : http://www.pccar.ru/showthread.php?t=14956 кстати то, как в *.ini писать .. |
Вложений: 1
I have found a method for check if the phone is connected to an external power and run very well !
This feature will be added to the version 1.6.0 . |
But and the phone stopped ringing. Just broke the plugin :) : |
The problem is you go too quickly !!! 1.In the video send in my PM ! After click on the phone button, you must see the button on top right blinking (red circle)! You need to wait that all top buttons pass to green (green rectangle) !!!! 2.In the video in post 261 ! The first time you run the plugin, if you click on the phone button , the plugin go to the settings! You must select your device and click on 'apply' button for save it into the settings. After that , you must quit iCarDS, because the plugin not run all services the first time ! It's why you have no info as you phone number, network name etc... Run again iCarDS, wait the connection , go to the main phone screen and WAIT the popup ! If all top buttons are ok (green), you can continue, and use, by example sms services ! If not , you have a problem ! But i see we have a big issue after a call out, i can't return to the phone screen ! |
V1.5.6 work call, but V1.6.0 - does not work. I restarted Icar 10 times. |
I have found a big issue with the MOBILECALL_IN_OVERLAY.skin screen that stop the good use of the plugin !
We need to add this line into this screen: Код:
Script,OnScreenEnd,Esc||OverlayResume |
Follow my advice ! I send a video as soon as possible ! |
Versions 1.5.6 and below works the call.
The next tried 1.6.0 - does not work I can try 1.5.9 , if have a link |
C:\Users\Home_PC\Desktop\iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.2 DS Setup.zip
C:\Users\Home_PC\Desktop\iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.3 DS Setup.zip C:\Users\Home_PC\Desktop\iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.4 DS Setup.zip C:\Users\Home_PC\Desktop\iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.5 DS Setup.zip C:\Users\Home_PC\Desktop\iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.5.6 DS Setup.zip WORK ! C:\Users\Home_PC\Desktop\iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.6.0 DS Setup.zip NOT WORK ! |
Follow the post 264 and try please
Call in and out not run only? Or other things!
If Call in - window appears, but continues ring after lifting the handset :wacko2: |
I send you a video with call out that run very well with 1.6.0 version !!!
https://youtu.be/iZrqyptrEWw |
I see that !!! Why do you say that the uninstall don't run ? All files are removed (screens and plugin files) And ini files are restored ! |
Did you make plugin just for yourself?
Standard plug-in works as a clock - with any! telephone. Tested on the Chinese: Redmi, Lenovo, various MTK ... Not everyone Samsung and Sony (I a Sony Z3 + - killed) |
The video is not visible, it removes Bandicam Цитата:
The standard use only two services , HFP and PBAP ! Mine is very complex with more services: MAP,PAN,SPP,FTP,OPP . iCards is more complex than RR that i know very well ! Without you i can do nothing ! I have no answer from Bersenev and other developer ! In this case, it's really difficult to code ! I use vista 32bits and framework 3.5 maximum for my code ! The goal is to find why you have not the same experience than me with this plugin ! See my last video and you will see that i have no your issues ! My code isn't perfect, and need to be improved ! I have tested the standard plugin and like as it fill the list . We can see that it's possible to have a picture by contact in the list as it's possible with RR. This plugin is also used by the RR community and run very well but with the same issues ! BTMobilePhone 1.6.0 for RideRunner Know issues for me: -iphone can't send sms ! -iphone extract differently the vcard ! -contact's info sometime are bad ! My phone is an android 6.0 . May be we have some issue with different os version ? I don't know ! If other guy want test the plugin with other phone, they are welcome !!! |
Вложений: 1
http://pccar.ru/showpost.php?p=367093&postcount=193 skin.ini : |
V1.6.0 - does not work.
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