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seriousstas 24.07.2016 19:45


Can you explain , i don't understand what you say exactly !
I mean - that the letters in our alphabet of 33 and there are only 26 in a small keyboard + Search works only for lower-case letters(small keyboard!) a b c d, and does not work for the A B C D

See PM

seriousstas 26.07.2016 01:14

What is it and how to translate? :
These buttons (commands) do not work! :

These letters is no in a small keyboard : Б Ж Л Х Э Ю


The language russian file is under C:\Program Files\TipTop software\iCar DS\Extentions\MobilePhone\Languages\russian\russia n.txt
If you want help me for a better translation ?
send to PM

seriousstas 26.07.2016 13:07

If use iCarDS Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) V1.4.9 DS Setup (V1.5 DS Setup) installer with two checkboxes, at the start,
then need to do these points from the readme ?:

2.Under C:\Users\pierre\Documents\iCarDS\skins\Chameleon\L ABELS\
a) folder LABELS
copy the files found into Chameleon_AddOns\LABELS\
b) Under C:\Users\pierre\Documents\iCarDS\skins\Chameleon\l anguage\
copy the files found into Chameleon_AddOns\language\

3.Copy the files that follow under you skin directory C:\Users\pierre\Documents\iCarDS\skins\Chameleon\

Think you need to replace 33 by 7.
I can change that into the installer if needed !
to replace on +38 for Ukraine

Think you need to keep 112 for emergency.
This number is correct

seriousstas 26.07.2016 13:48


Actually, he don't want !
I made the correct translation + there are some problems, and after revisions, when the plugin will be stable - I think he is sure add.

Write a new instruction - I'll translate.
Readme.txt is not actual.

seriousstas 27.07.2016 06:33

Вложений: 3

Definitive version 1.5.0 is out !
Unfortunately, all the old problems are present :(
1 indicator looks for SMS endlessly and constantly blinking.
2 Keypad search (by first letter) does not work! Please remove it and make basic by clicking - a second keyboard (hold).
3 All messages are recorded in dialer string - and it is not convenient then removed (screen №2)
4 Closing the "information window" (1-t screen) often leads either to freeze or to IcarDS fall.
5 Why can not you just dial the number - why should I enter?
6 New window continues to hang from the top, if you close the other button. I think - this window do not need (screen №3)

Why Prefix box? and how to change the country on your own?

seriousstas 27.07.2016 06:35


should like is that Lexx09 add these add ons into the last icards version !
Said added after the stable version

pierrotm777 27.07.2016 16:40


Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365737)
1 indicator looks for SMS endlessly and constantly blinking.

If the sms number is different to 0, the indicator is blinking always.
Read your sms with your phone , you will see that the indicator blinking is stopped and number return 0.

Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365737)
2 Keypad search (by first letter) does not work! Please remove it and make basic by clicking - a second keyboard (hold).

I want to keep a little keyboard for this feature (click button) but i need help for build this screen. Latin keyboard is ok but not the russian and i don't know why! May be a guy of the forum can help us ?

Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365737)
3 All messages are recorded in dialer string - and it is not convenient then removed (screen №2)

I don't understand why this issue ! I have not this problem why the RR version.

Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365737)
4 Closing the "information window" (1-t screen) often leads either to freeze or to IcarDS fall.

Do you use the log file ? If yes set log file in settings to 'false'.

Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365737)
5 Why can not you just dial the number - why should I enter?

Can you explain please ?

Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365737)
6 New window continues to hang from the top, if you close the other button. I think - this window do not need (screen №3)

It's an Overlay option that we can stop ! Just stop the idle option into the mobilcall.skin screen that call this window !

Сообщение от seriousstas (Сообщение 365737)
Why Prefix box? and how to change the country on your own?

The prefix list help just the user when he want call an international number !
Into the second setting's screen, click on the second right line and change with your country code.
You can also change it with a text editor (replace 33 by your code).

The two buttons under the 'Apply' (save button) are needed.
One stop any change and the second, save a default xml file!

I have the idea to have just one SMS notification after the icarDS start and only other one notification each time we receive a new sms !

PS. The last version 1.5.1 solve the iPhone issue with the sms that we can no read !

pierrotm777 27.07.2016 18:20

Вложений: 1
Can you test this new keyboard !
I think that all your letters are in this version !

By default, the variable KBLAYOUT is set to 0 for your country !

pierrotm777 27.07.2016 18:31

Into the MOBILPHONE.skin screen, edit the button search with:

Gadina 27.07.2016 19:53

also 2 th character

2 th character it should be " Б " , but not " Ь "

7 th character it should be " Ё " , but not " Я "

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