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-   -   Centrafuse 4.0? (http://pccar.ru/showthread.php?t=15620)

Hamster 12.08.2011 15:35

Centrafuse 4.0?
Прислали мне тут флюксы:


Announcing Centrafuse Auto 4.0
(Purchase Centrafuse now and get a FREE 4.0 upgrade!)
Нет, я конечно еще одну CF могу купить, чтоб иметь возможность потестить 4.0, но зачем мне лишняя?
Кто-нибудь обладает инфой по 4.0?
Флюксы написали 26 июля, что мол скоро будет. Когда скоро, конечно умолчали...

bfom 12.08.2011 15:56

Написали, что планируют к середине сентября выпустить релиз. Польователям 3 версии обещают апгрейд за 50$, тем кто купит тройку сейчас-апгрейд бесплатно. Уже появились и недовольные, требующие исправить косяки пред версий, но походу флюксам на это нас***ь. Так что ждем перенос старых и добавление новых багов.


It looks like we captured a lot of your feedback in this thread, so we're going to close it down. It seems to have served its purpose.

However, I would first like to address some of your concerns and comments regarding the 4.0 release:

One of our primary goals at Centrafuse Inc. is to stay in business so future versions can be released. We want to continue to integrate community feedback and release subsequent major releases such as 5.0, 6.0 etc. While we’ll never be able to please everyone, we feel that our customer support is drastically superior than most commercial software, especially those playing the same space; the CarPC enthusiast market.

Unknown to much of our customers, in many cases, the actual cost it takes to support an individual often exceeds the amount we make on the software. We do not remain active in this community to make money; we do it because this where we got our start, and because we highly value your feedback as a community. Centrafuse Inc., unlike many companies in the software industry today, does not currently charge for support. For example we don’t restrict your support to a number of days after purchase. We continue to provide email support and are still involved in the community; and we plan to keep it that way.

By supporting Centrafuse through purchasing major upgrade releases you will be helping to ensure Centrafuse continues to be an active software available for this community.

While it is true that there are bugs in 3.6 (some of which you may find annoying), this has very little to do with our decision to proceed release 4.0. Software always has bugs; we cannot deny this fact. However unfortunate this may seem to you, we're not jumping to 4.0 for solely monetary purposes. We have decided to shift focus to 4.0 for several other reasons, most of which are related to the evolution of the Centrafuse developer ecosystem (CF Market) and paid-for apps.

The fact of the matter is - For almost the past 12 months I believe we have demonstrated a renewed commitment to this community and to our growing user base by providing regular status updates of the upcoming builds, releasing these updates in a timely manner while improving our internal quality process. Over the past year, we have implemented a ticket support system to streamline tech support communications, hired a full time support engineer (Chris) to allow us to focus on improving customer support while freeing up others time to focus on building cool new things. For a company of our small size and limited resources, we feel we’re doing pretty well.

While we are never going to be able to meet the specific needs of every user, we do strive to listen to the community. For example, we’re adding back playlist creation, through Centrafuse Connect, for which we have received an overwhelmingly positive response. The “Destinations” feature of Connect is going to be really cool too; sending a route(s) to your vehicle from your desktop is looking to be a very popular feature. These are just the first of many Connect features to come.

We’re also going to allow for paid apps with 4.0. To which most of you might reply: “Why? There won’t be any paid apps when it comes out.” We thought about this and for the first time we’re going to release the 4.0 SDK prior to the 4.0 launch, allowing developers time to get some of their new paid-for plugin apps on the Market. Doing this with 3.7 would have been a nightmare to support, especially with 4.0 right around the corner. Our drawing a “line in the sand” with 4.0 for paid apps has much more to do with making Centrafuse Market easier to manage. If you’re concerned about the quality of the apps that you might pay for, the idea here is that if developers are able to easily charge for their work, then the quality will improve and the developer will be more motivated to support you as a customer. It will also introduce “competition” into the mix; something critical in any free market. If one developer is doing a better job, then market forces (you all) will speak and choose the better solution. This will have the effect of the “better” apps floating to the top.

Lastly, the upgrade price - For the past 2 major version releases, we have offered the same loyalty upgrade price ($49.99) for existing users. The fact that 3.6 has bugs should not deter you from upgrading to 4.0 as we have continually shown we can address bug fixes in regular updates. For those of you who bought Centrafuse 3 recently and have received no updates, I feel your pain. In a perfect world, where our company has unlimited resources, we might come up with some kind of pricing tier structure based on how long you’ve had Centrafuse. But that’s just not an option for us; it’s simply too much overhead to manage. As for trying to simultaneously & fully support (i.e. provide future updates) more than 1 version (i.e. 3.6 and 4.0); again this is too much.

Should you decide that you want to get 4.0, download the free 30 day trial upon release and see if you like it. If you don’t feel it’s worth it, then don’t buy it. Maybe you want to wait until 4.1 or 4.2 is released and try it again.

Thanks to everyone here who decided to share your feedback in a constructive manner. We hope to be able to count on you for your continued support.

Thank you,

odessit 13.08.2011 00:06

Походу они прикалываються?
Это уже не смешно...
Последняя глюк на глюке ... А они след выпускают

Hamster 13.08.2011 03:46


Сообщение от odessit (Сообщение 192263)
Последняя глюк на глюке ...

Ну, не знаю... Если говорить про 3.5 (3.6 так и не поставил) - то вроде все норм....
Меня больше всего интересует "стандартизация кнопок", ибо иногда Esc не работает как эскейп, а Enter не работает как ентер или пробел :) Надеюсь ребяты вы поняли о чем я говорю :)

odessit 13.08.2011 14:06

Я про 3.6 ...
Слава богу что не поставил!!!
А то одни нервы

DDenis 05.10.2011 15:52

Официальный анонс от них - http://forums.fluxmedia.net/release-...ouncement.html
Можно качать с сайта.
Не понял только одного - в анонсе написано про работу под убунтой - а в магазине висит только windows-based устройства(

oops1 05.10.2011 17:28

Кстати, у меня было набрано 100 поинтов, флюксы обещали что их можно будет тратить на апгрейды. А сейчас эти поинты тупо пропали.

odessit 06.10.2011 00:41

Ну шо хто то ставил???
На сайте есть с месячным триалом...
Как оно???

KonTur 06.10.2011 09:38

на compcar тема есть - там какие-то проблемы с установкой на русскую винду...

didos 06.10.2011 13:27

Обновился до 4 стандарт, обошлась в 41,99$, для получения дополнительной скидки в 8$ при обновлении с 3 версии, вводим мой referral code EUY8H5M1X

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