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-   -   mk808b в вопросах автомобильных пожалуйста, мне нужна помощь (http://pccar.ru/showthread.php?t=23146)

lex99frc 28.05.2015 20:46

mk808b в вопросах автомобильных пожалуйста, мне нужна помощь
Эй, ребята , меня зовут Алекс я не мог найти любую помощь на американских форумах, так что я пришел сюда за помощью
Я использую андроид мини-ПК mk808b с Лилли положить сенсорным экраном я получил прикосновение к работе
Теперь вот вопросы
каждый раз, когда я повернуть машину и выключает часы на Android получает сбросить
для меня, чтобы использовать GPS я использовать Bluetooth GPS у меня есть , чтобы открыть приложение, выберите Bluetooth GPS нажмите макет GPS только тогда CoPilot GPS признать GPS
это очень раздражает, как я должен делать это каждый раз, когда я начала автомобиль
любая помощь , пожалуйста?

lex99frc 29.05.2015 01:38

Anyone help ?

nexus 29.05.2015 02:26

Hi Alex, automatic translator translates badly, you will be hard to help. Write in English

nexus 29.05.2015 02:28

In order to not reset the clock every time you need a constant power to the tablet

nexus 29.05.2015 02:36

If I understand you correctly, it is necessary to GPS turned on automatically when you turn on the tablet? You need a program Tasker, https://play.google.com/store/apps/d....taskerm&hl=ru

lex99frc 29.05.2015 02:49

Hello what i was saying is i am not using a table its a android mini pc
I cant operate tasker its very complicated and its not that i just have to turn on the bluetooth gps app i also have to select the gps mouse and press another button
Is there a way to add on board memory?

lex99frc 29.05.2015 02:53

Also every time it turns on it forgets whatsong i was playinf

nexus 29.05.2015 03:09

Alex, I'm sorry, I can not help you, I'm using android tablet
Tasker is really complicated, but may be you have friends who understand.

repa4ok 29.05.2015 04:37

lex99frc, can you make a video and upload it to youtube, for example, so we can better understand your problem?

Disgraced 29.05.2015 07:42


Сообщение от nexus (Сообщение 329273)
In order to not reset the clock every time you need a constant power to the android mini PC

fix it

You use DC-DC to power you mini PC?
You use ACC and GND wires?

alexvtk 29.05.2015 11:15

One year ago i've had installed RK3188 TV box into my friend's Toyota Prius. I used this small programm. It starts automatically after system load. Try it.

lex99frc 29.05.2015 17:55

It seems in that app you must press start after it opens? For it to work

alexvtk 31.05.2015 06:56

Bluetooth GPS Provider has autostart after load in options. It has a widget that shows process activity.

(vS) 06.06.2015 14:32


Сообщение от lex99frc (Сообщение 329275)
Hello what i was saying is i am not using a table its a android mini pc
I cant operate tasker its very complicated and its not that i just have to turn on the bluetooth gps app i also have to select the gps mouse and press another button
Is there a way to add on board memory?

To have a more sized RAM you can just buy a new one miniPC, it is the easyest way, and trust me, the cheapest )))
Any time then you try to use new programm it's looks complicated, but some times later you could be an expert, let's try. It's many programm on the market which you can use for make some automation action, i hope, one of them should be usefull for you.

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