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Поиск: Сообщения от: Wal00
Раздел: Cave Live! 06.11.2007, 11:37
Ответов: 225
Просмотров: 144,770
Автор Wal00
cAVe 2.0 Beta 1.3


-Winampplugin (In,Out,DSP,Vis)
-Radio (ADS/Silabs, HQCT, Andre's)
-RadioStationPictures over Station-PI

Copy cAVe 2.0...
Раздел: Cave Live! 01.08.2007, 21:05
Ответов: 225
Просмотров: 144,770
Автор Wal00
@Webcrew, your adjust for the Mixer is not...

your adjust for the Mixer is not correct.
Your must open the Windowsmixer and change the Masterslider, in the Form from cAVe-Mixer-Setup you see the Mixer-Id of the Masterslider under...
Раздел: Cave Live! 31.07.2007, 19:19
Ответов: 225
Просмотров: 144,770
Автор Wal00
Hello Webcrew, can you translate the...

Hello Webcrew,
can you translate the default.lng in Russian, please.

Раздел: Cave Live! 31.07.2007, 18:31
Ответов: 225
Просмотров: 144,770
Автор Wal00
Please Reload the cAVe-Fix. Wal

Please Reload the cAVe-Fix.

Раздел: Cave Live! 31.07.2007, 17:25
Ответов: 225
Просмотров: 144,770
Автор Wal00
A new cAVe-Fix is Online: ...

A new cAVe-Fix is Online:
http://cave.devnull.in/download/cAVeFix.zip :pleasantry:

This Fix is for Shutdown, Suspend, Reboot, Standby with Shutdowncontroller, Powerbutton or ext. Apps.

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