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Поиск: Сообщения от: omidnami
Раздел: Рабочий журнал 27.05.2015, 07:46
Ответов: 79
Просмотров: 74,813
Автор omidnami
:angry: autolauncher 1024*760 cannot communicate...

:angry: autolauncher 1024*760 cannot communicate with pl2303
My pl2303 in rooted android 4.4.2 recognized (terminal >>lsusb command) /dev/bus/usb/001/001

autolauncher setting changed to...
Раздел: Рабочий журнал 25.05.2015, 09:07
Ответов: 79
Просмотров: 74,813
Автор omidnami
i use same but remove all temp sensor and onewire...

i use same but remove all temp sensor and onewire fields ; i also search in sketch and found some of pins but not all of them last night;

are you removed tablet's battery??
Раздел: Рабочий журнал 25.05.2015, 06:58
Ответов: 79
Просмотров: 74,813
Автор omidnami
i Cant Match My Arduino pin numbers with your...

i Cant Match My Arduino pin numbers with your schematic Diagram for example i need to know in schematic Diagram Nano's pin 12,13 is going to GND,V5 On but on my Nano Board Pin12 is D9 and 13 is D10...
Раздел: Рабочий журнал 24.05.2015, 23:30
Ответов: 79
Просмотров: 74,813
Автор omidnami
Finished Programming nano, start soldering...

Finished Programming nano, start soldering circuit,but problem with diagram DIL24 pin arduino my nano has 30 pin ,i found sda scl tx rx pins but acc, sound power on ,pad power button, and 5v relay...
Раздел: Рабочий журнал 24.05.2015, 14:12
Ответов: 79
Просмотров: 74,813
Автор omidnami
i Find them ;but dont know use which input pins...

i Find them ;but dont know use which input pins of tda for Tablets sound output(3.5mm jack)
Раздел: Рабочий журнал 23.05.2015, 16:57
Ответов: 79
Просмотров: 74,813
Автор omidnami
Thanks for quick response removed the (factory)...

Thanks for quick response
removed the (factory) player today and figured out my tiggo FL player has differences
with your model : I have TDA7342 Chip on the board but MB95F108AKW instead...
Раздел: Рабочий журнал 20.05.2015, 10:33
Ответов: 79
Просмотров: 74,813
Автор omidnami
Hi from iran Thanks for your nice projects i...

Hi from iran
Thanks for your nice projects
i have a question ,if use arduino instead teensy is it possible to use s.m's android app+mod+misc+volume controls with sketch you uploaded ??
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