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Поиск: Сообщения от: Terfos
Раздел: Видео 02.07.2015, 00:33
Ответов: 3,888
Просмотров: 3,540,299
Автор Terfos
I emailed EasyCap Viewer developers. They...

I emailed EasyCap Viewer developers. They confirmed MTK will not work but Cortex will.
Раздел: Видео 01.07.2015, 23:52
Ответов: 3,888
Просмотров: 3,540,299
Автор Terfos

Раздел: Видео 01.07.2015, 23:19
Ответов: 3,888
Просмотров: 3,540,299
Автор Terfos
Ok... :sad2: But I also have a BQ Maxwell 2...

Ok... :sad2:

But I also have a BQ Maxwell 2 with Cortex A9 Dual Core 1.6GHZ with Android 4.1

CameraFi and UsbCamera apps also dont work:
Раздел: Видео 01.07.2015, 22:55
Ответов: 3,888
Просмотров: 3,540,299
Автор Terfos
XYUSB01 and XYUSB02 chips UsbWebCamera app...

XYUSB01 and XYUSB02 chips

UsbWebCamera app did not work :\
Раздел: Видео 01.07.2015, 22:50
Ответов: 3,888
Просмотров: 3,540,299
Автор Terfos
I have not tried Easy Cap yet. Is there a demo...

I have not tried Easy Cap yet. Is there a demo version I can try before buying?

My tablet:

Раздел: Видео 01.07.2015, 21:10
Ответов: 3,888
Просмотров: 3,540,299
Автор Terfos
Hello, I'm from Portugal and my russian is...


I'm from Portugal and my russian is very bad, I'm sorry.

I am trying to use UVC on my tablet with Android 4.4.2

This is the UVC:

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