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Поиск: Сообщения от: hamed-pc
Раздел: Общение с машиной 16.06.2016, 00:43
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Hi Dear ayra66 Do not you think ?Because the k...

Hi Dear ayra66
Do not you think ?Because the k lهne this schematic has 12Volt To damage ECU on my Care ?
What do you think for protect ECU . Connect to Resistor between k line Pin on ECU and k...
Раздел: Общение с машиной 13.06.2016, 21:37
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Thank you . I'm waiting for you'r video please...

Thank you . I'm waiting for you'r video
please tell me on this schematic
Раздел: Общение с машиной 13.06.2016, 14:59
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Hi Dear ayra66 How are you my friend ? i...

Hi Dear ayra66
How are you my friend ?
i Build this schematic . send me From you
Раздел: Общение с машиной 01.05.2016, 03:03
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Hi Thank you . ok i try Build this schematic...

Thank you . ok i try Build this schematic and test on my Care with TECU2 . But . TECU2 Language is Russian . Do you Have TECU2 English Version?

Also i have Hi scan pro Cascade software . This...
Раздел: Общение с машиной 30.04.2016, 02:06
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
OH My God:shok: Very Very Thank you My Friend...

OH My God:shok:
Very Very Thank you My Friend :flowers:
I did not think. After this period, Answer me.:rolleyes2:

Are you Sure Work this schematic on my Care ?
Раздел: Общение с машиной 17.04.2016, 21:26
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Hi Thank you Dear ayra66 yes this is not...

Thank you Dear ayra66
yes this is not compatible obd2 .
How to Connect to ecu with Tecu2 ? . i mean about interface . i don't know How to use and which interface?
i think my care is pull down...
Раздел: Общение с машиной 14.04.2016, 23:29
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
i tested the Cable From K line on diagnostic my...

i tested the Cable From K line on diagnostic my car Connected to the pin 11 on ecu .
no Damage Cable .
also in the Mechanical and Tune . With Scan tools was good connect to my care . and worked...
Раздел: Общение с машиной 14.04.2016, 22:30
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Thank ok . so on this diagram R2 Resistor 1...

ok . so on this diagram R2 Resistor 1 KOhm Chang to 10 Kohm ?
Are you Sure ?

Раздел: Общение с машиной 14.04.2016, 21:12
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
thanks you mean i must pull up from 12 VB to K...

you mean i must pull up from 12 VB to K line ? such as on VAG Com pin 14 , 11 on LM339 Pull up 1Kohm resister from 12V ?
Раздел: Общение с машиной 14.04.2016, 16:47
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
i try to connect to my care for see live data...

i try to connect to my care for see live data parameter of sensor
Раздел: Общение с машиной 14.04.2016, 14:43
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Thank I tested K line Voltage on Diagnustig...

I tested K line Voltage on Diagnustig connector . No voltage when sw on . or start motor

Can possible on k line no volt ?
How often should it have Volt ? or can no volt ?
Раздел: Общение с машиной 12.04.2016, 21:28
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Thanks Can i use 5 Volt regulator on convert...

Can i use 5 Volt regulator on convert 12volt to 5 vdc To sure ?

Are All Care k Line is work 12 Volt?
Раздел: Общение с машиной 12.04.2016, 20:56
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Hi I sad I have Care KIA pride include Ecu...

I sad I have Care KIA pride include Ecu Siemens and 20pin diagnostic connector under the hood

ecu picture ...
Раздел: Общение с машиной 12.04.2016, 19:35
Ответов: 5,384
Просмотров: 4,628,581
Автор hamed-pc
Hi Excuse me I can not speak Russian. i...

Excuse me I can not speak Russian.
i Build this interface from this schematic . http://img.overpic.net/thumbs/z/o/o/xzook4mjetnwbdj3b0n2s_s.jpg...
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