Раздел: Разработка устройств
10.10.2018, 13:38
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 24,700
Thats cool, I like that!
The problem with...
Thats cool, I like that!
The problem with providing a complete product is that the cost is higher than if you did it yourself because in the UK our taxes are pretty high!
So it would cost about...
Раздел: Разработка устройств
10.10.2018, 03:11
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 24,700
Where are you located? I'm in the UK.
Where are you located? I'm in the UK.
I've actually come on along way since I first posted this... I now have a completed feather can-bus shield.
I designed it as a "feather" shield so that it...
Раздел: Разработка устройств
07.10.2018, 02:50
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 24,700
Раздел: Разработка устройств
31.07.2018, 16:53
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 24,700
Arduino BMW iDrive BLE HID - With Video
Edit: Video added at bottom of post.
I have bought the USB HID that YAM1966 made, but I am also making my own
I am using this circuit schematic found here: http://www.volcano.at/iDrive/?p=516 ...
Раздел: Манипуляторы
29.07.2018, 00:40
Ответов: 172
Просмотров: 141,438
iDrive + Arduino
Hi, sorry to bring up and old thread, but has anyone been successful with the PCB from volcano.at/iDrive ?
I've seen some people here mention it. I've made the circuit, and following someone post...