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Поиск: Сообщения от: IAmOrion
Раздел: Разработка устройств 10.10.2018, 13:38
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 24,700
Автор IAmOrion
Thats cool, I like that! The problem with...

Thats cool, I like that!

The problem with providing a complete product is that the cost is higher than if you did it yourself because in the UK our taxes are pretty high!

So it would cost about...
Раздел: Разработка устройств 10.10.2018, 03:11
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 24,700
Автор IAmOrion
Where are you located? I'm in the UK. I've...

Where are you located? I'm in the UK.

I've actually come on along way since I first posted this... I now have a completed feather can-bus shield.

I designed it as a "feather" shield so that it...
Раздел: Разработка устройств 07.10.2018, 02:50
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 24,700
Автор IAmOrion
Hello. What help do you need? You can use my...


What help do you need? You can use my BLE Device to connect an iDrive to your PC



Какая помощь вам нужна? Вы можете использовать мое устройство BLE для...
Раздел: Разработка устройств 31.07.2018, 16:53
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 24,700
Автор IAmOrion
Arduino BMW iDrive BLE HID - With Video

Edit: Video added at bottom of post.

I have bought the USB HID that YAM1966 made, but I am also making my own

I am using this circuit schematic found here: http://www.volcano.at/iDrive/?p=516 ...
Раздел: Манипуляторы 29.07.2018, 00:40
Ответов: 172
Просмотров: 141,438
Автор IAmOrion
Question iDrive + Arduino

Hi, sorry to bring up and old thread, but has anyone been successful with the PCB from volcano.at/iDrive ?

I've seen some people here mention it. I've made the circuit, and following someone post...
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