Тема: The OpenPort 1.3U
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Старый 20.01.2007, 22:31   #3
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EcuFlash - утилита для считывания/записи/редактирования данных ROM ECU, т.н. карт или таблиц. C ней в комплекте идут и драйверы под мой кабель. Картинка

ecuExplorer - программа для мониторинга, перепрошивки ECU и прочего...

Enginuity - опять таки "тюнинг" и мониторинг ECU...

Вот пока на английском об установке этих программ:

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I am reposting because after a bit of trial and error I finally got ecuexplorer to work with the newer v1.3 tactrix cable. Based on the number of views this thread has gotten I figured other people were unlucky like me and could use the help. FYI, I had a v1.2 tactrix cable that worked from the get go, and while I was easily able to get ecuflash and enginuity to work with the v1.3 cable, I couldn't get ecuexplorer to work right away.

Here is the procedure I followed to get the cable and ecuexplorer to work together. Keep in mind I had software and drivers previously installed. Use only the newest versions of ecuflash, enginuity, and ecuexplorer.

-Unplug your tactrix cable from your laptop (if connected).
-Uninstall any previous FTDI and Tactrix drivers using Windows "Add/Remove."
-Uninstall ecuflash, enginuity, and ecuexplorer (if you have them installed). Use the uninstall functions on ecuflash and enginuity. Either use "Add/Remove" for ecuexplorer or manually delete the folder.
-Install the newest version of ecuflash. It will install the drivers for the cable. Do not use the FTDI VCP download!
-Plug your tactrix cable into your laptop. Your computer should identify it as "1.3 Subaru" or some such thing. However, that doesn't mean it is working at this point.
-If your computer gets excited at this point and says "New Hardware Found" and launches the wizard, select "Not at this time" to prevent it from searching online and click "Next" to install the drivers.
-Select the options to manually locate the drivers. Use the browse function and have it look in the folder "C:\Program Files\OpenECU\EcuFlash\drivers" or wherever you installed EcuFlash and its drivers folder. Do not use the the FTDI VCP download!
-Click next.
-Windows should install the drivers. It is possible that when it finishes, the "New Hardware Found" wizard may launch again. I saw it happen a few times. If it does, repeat the process of manually having it look in the EcuFlash drivers file. Do not simply click cancel.
-Plug the cable into the car, turn the car to on (but not starting it), and open ecuflash. The "Read from ECU" icon should go blue, indicating that the drivers work and it is connected.
-Close ecuflash and run the installer for ecuexplorer. Run ecuexplorer. You should show up as connected and talking to com port 6. Try the realtime data viewer and verify that it works.
-Close ecuexplorer and install enginuity. Run enginuity. You should also show up as connected and talking to com port 6. You might have to select that, though. Com port 5 shows up as the default on mine. Try the logger and verify that it works.

Test Notes:

-When I tried connecting the cable after installing only ecuflash (and ignoring the wizard that popped up), ecuflash would not connect. It only connected after I ran the Windows wizard. Enginuity would also only show com port 5 until running the wizard.
-When I tried having Windows look to the unzipped folder for the FTDI VCP drivers with the "New Hardware Wizard", I was not able to get ecuexplorer to work. Only ecuflash and enginuity worked, and they talked on com port 7.
-If you cancel the Wizard thinking ecuflash did everything, your cable probably won't be connected.
-Make sure your car is warmed up before doing any ecu reading/flashing/etc. If you try to flash a cold car (it is winter), you could have a voltage drop problem and kill your ecu. Replacement ecus are over $100.
-While you can read your rom image with ecuflash without the diagnostic connectors, if your car is running it will be shut off when you start reading.

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VIA EPIA SP13000, 512MB, 80G 2.5" Samsung Spinpoint MP0804H, 7" TS Xenarc, custom bezel, slot-in DVD/CD-RW Panasonic, Terratec 5.1 USB sound, BU353, PocketGIS+OziExplorer gps, mini-box M1-ATX, RoadRunner, OpenPort 1.3U, ORIS sound (Charisma CA-504, PS-16.2, ASW-1040F)
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