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Старый 04.03.2011, 14:44   #412
Аватар для St@rz
Регистрация: 27.05.2008
Возраст: 50
Город: Пермь
Регион: 59
Машина: INDESIT/2007
Сообщений: 1,330
St@rz is a splendid one to beholdSt@rz is a splendid one to beholdSt@rz is a splendid one to beholdSt@rz is a splendid one to beholdSt@rz is a splendid one to beholdSt@rz is a splendid one to beholdSt@rz is a splendid one to behold
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Сообщение от VegasGuy55
If you've got the source, just set the project type to .net 3.5 and point to the 3.5 cfplugin.dll and re-compile. Should work fine.

SDK is getting cleaned and polished right now, should be out very soon.
cfplugin.dll лежит в папке программы.
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