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Старый 11.03.2011, 22:19   #9
= Nicki =
Старший Пользователь
Регистрация: 06.07.2007
Возраст: 45
Город: Екатеринбург
Регион: 66, 96
Машина: Honda Fit
Сообщений: 820
= Nicki = is a jewel in the rough= Nicki = is a jewel in the rough= Nicki = is a jewel in the rough= Nicki = is a jewel in the rough
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Сообщение от pierrotm777 Посмотреть сообщение
Sorry, i have tried again the test exemple without succes !

I don't understand what is the utility of these two files label_list.txt and label_ru.ini .

I have made my own language (fr.ini) into the language folder and i don't know if my issue is here .

I don't understand also how you have on the left top the Test label .
Actually, i have the volume label and if i want change it , i do use the labe_choise.skin

add two file in labels folder:
label_list.txt and label_fr.ini
in label_list.txt file add last string - !Test
in label_fr.ini file add last string - l_label_!Test=Test hint

and run iCar DS. Long press "volume label" and select last string !Test

Create script in AutoIt:
PHP код:
;wait iCar
("iCar DS")

iCar run 1-5 seconds

create iCar object

send our text in iCar
.Execute("SETLABEL;!Test;Test =)"
and run script.

PS sory for my english
Мой проект: Honda Fit 2002 г.в.

Некоторые полезности в которых принимаю участие:
Инструкция к iCar DS
iCarDS + Тестер ECU
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