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Старый 30.03.2011, 22:04   #15
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Аватар для pierrotm777
Регистрация: 07.11.2010
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Сообщений: 324
pierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nice
Cool Issue with the voltage and the Fans speed

I have juste tried the with some issues.
Only the temperatures run well BUT, the number is not good and i don't know why !
If you use the ShowspeedFanData program you can see a difference !
And if i use skintoolds the SFT labels run very well but not the SFV or SFF labels !

My Temp is actualy 42°C but the label give 4200 !
Тип файла: zip ShowSpeedFanData.zip (4.4 Кб, 485 просмотров)
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