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Старый 05.10.2011, 15:40   #1
Старший Пользователь
Регистрация: 07.03.2008
Возраст: 41
Город: Москва
Регион: 77, 97, 99, 177
Машина: 2003\Hyundai\Tiburon продан
Сообщений: 110
DDenis is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Centrafuse Auto 4.0

Официальный анонс тут - http://forums.fluxmedia.net/release-...ouncement.html

Интересного "много"
Но вот абзац про работу под линуксом мне ооочень понравился.
Other Features in 4.0 - True cross-platform support
... With the 4.0 release, we are now supporting 3 different operating systems with a single codebase. This means that the 4.0 license you purchase will run not only unlock Centrafuse on Win32 (XP, Vista and Win7) but also on Windows CE and Ubuntu Linux. Not all the features are present just yet, but the core features (Media, Wifi, Web, Weather & Market) application framework is there and includes support for Centrafuse Market. What does this mean for you? Maybe nothing right now, but if you're interested in a different type of mobile device, rather than a full CarPC install, then keep reading. "

Кто-то уже пощупал ее?
Core 2 Duo 2.3 GHz, 4 Gb RAM, Windows 7, XDX 7", Challenger TA5.1, Centrafuse 2\3.5\4, два года в процессе постройки, продан вместе с машиной
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