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выпустили 4.1 на Odroid-X
Features & Supported hardwares
- Optimized for ODROID-X
- Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Platform
- Kernel 3.0.51
- Over-clock friendly DVFS driver (Application can control the CPU clock)
- DRAM Clock is changed to 880Mega from 440Mega. (10% performance boost)
- Mali GPU clock is set to 440Mhz
- Data partition size is changed to 1.5GB
- 3D/2D Hardware accelerator
- 10/100 Ethernet(LAN9514) driver
- USB WiFi RT5370 chipset
- USB Bluetooth(CSR4) driver
- TFT-LCD 1366x768 driver (LCD module kit support)
- HDMI Video/Audio support
- USB HID for USB Mouse, Keyboard and XBox360 controller
- MIPI Camera (Preview, Capture, Video recording : Unstable)
- USB ADB bridge with storage combo driver (Micro-USB interface)
- USB Web-CAM V4L2 device node included (Not for Android native camera framework)
- USB external storage (HDD/Flash)
- USB Kinect/Xtion driver
- Touch screen emulation driver for Sixaxis