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Судя по описанию-в одной плате решены проблемы с питанием, гальваническая развязка, усилилитель, usb-host, hid-кнопки
Onboard computer in a control board
DuPont cable provided with the control board supporting for the control board pin leading (USB input, audio input, power control, volume control)
A power supply board power supply line
A bus harness models purchased separately Free shear harness, used in conjunction with the bus wiring harness, shop, took connected
10A Automotive Blade Fuse
Amplifier heat sink
Specific functions in the control board:
USB sound card chip, non-onboard sound card, audio effects are better
2, 4 * 45W hi-fi amplifier, eliminating the onboard computer common ground noise, 3-way audio input, computers, radios, and set aside all the way audio can be recycled to switch;
3, which can be accessed volume control knob, and very easy to adjust the volume size
4, up to six USB 2.0 interface (2-way USB socket interface, 4 USB pin)
5, more advanced intelligent power management: exclusive single-chip power control system, the ACC power can be realized twice to send the shutdown command, to avoid shutdown once in a reaction caused by the shutdown system; re-ignition of the vehicle had no effect on the machine, not restart;
6, the battery power shortage reminder: not with the car for a long time to turn on the car computer, when the low vehicle battery voltage (9V), the system will turn off the sound output, then it means that small battery power, please turn off onboard computer to avoid to continue power consumption; At this point, the vehicle can still be normal ignition car.
7 professional 16PIN car bus socket, put an end to the variety of fly line when DIY is simple, convenient, reliable, can easily avoid the cut line installation; with automotive blade fuse, to ensure the security of electricity supply
8, the back interface reserved 3.5mm audio output jack the Bikers For installation of high-power amplifier, you can directly use the audio jack output to the amplifier, this time, the volume control knob on the panel can still control the vehicle speaker volume, very convenient, exclusive Oh. . .
System power control and logic instructions:
1, after the vehicle ignition or ACC energized about 10s, the display is lit; this time the machine into standby mode by the switch button on the front panel to open the car computer
2, the external volume knob, with a 3-way audio switching cycle: computer and radio audio 1, 2-way audio, 3-way vacant; boot computer or radio sound through the rotary pushbutton switch. Adjust the volume knob control counter-clockwise to reduce the volume, rotate clockwise to increase the volume. Adjust the volume for direct regulation of the built-in amplifier output, regardless of the volume in the computer system.
If your display with reversing priority, then the car, any state, linked to reverse gear, the display can automatically switch to reverse video, after the completion of the reverse, restore the previous state.
4, the ignition is turned off, or ACC for about 5 seconds after the power outage, intelligent power control system will turn off the sound output and automatically detect the computer's power state. If the computer does not boot directly off the power; such as the computer is turned on, you send the first shutdown command, the system enters the shutdown procedure, normal shutdown is complete, the control system cut off the power; yet to shut down within the 60S, indicating that the computer system 1 shutdown command (software failure or crash, and other reasons) is not running, the control system will send a second shutdown command, shutdown complete or cut off the power in the first 90 seconds, the machine will not be sustained power consumption ensure that the flame after.
цена 44$
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