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Старый 13.03.2013, 23:53   #5
Регистрация: 06.11.2009
Возраст: 39
Город: Nizhniy Novgorod
Регион: 52
Машина: Ford Focus III
Сообщений: 1,776
Rage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant future
По умолчанию

Пробуйте. http://android-x86.googlecode.com/fi...2-20130228.iso

Use the latest kernel 3.8.0 to support more drivers.
OpenGL ES hardware acceleration for AMD Radeon and Intel chipsets (not included chips with PVR). You may disable it by adding HWACCEL=0 to the cmdline if you have trouble to use it.
Support Multi-touch, Wifi, Audio, G-sensor, Camera and Backlight control.
Simulate SDCard by internal storage.
Auto mount usb driver and sdcard on plugging.
Multi-user support (max 8).
Support Ethernet (DHCP only).
Support VM like Virtual Box.
Suspend and resume doesn't work.
Some apps stuck on i915/i965 devices.
Bluetooth not work.
Not support Arm translator.
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