кстати, кто-нибудь проверял эту инфу?
Normal cable
Computer ⇔ N7Power: computer ⇒ N7
Current: ≤ 500mA, N7 is charging
Data: bidirectional, computer ⇔ peripheral N7
Charger ⇒ N7Power: charger ⇒ N7
Current: ≤ 2.5A, N7 is fast-charging
Data: none; data lines are shorted, telling the SMB347 to accept high-current charging and the Tegra to not bother going into Host mode
OTG cable
N7 ⇔ peripheral device (SD reader, keyboard, etc)
Power: N7 ⇒ peripheral
Current: ≤ 750mA (as per OTG spec), N7 is discharging; N7 reverses power direction, powering the peripheral device and refusing to be charged (except via the dock pins or with a kernel hack that allows for hacked OTG+power cables)
Data: bidirectional, N7 ⇔ peripheral