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Старый 16.05.2007, 11:20   #7
Регистрация: 07.03.2007
Город: Москва
Машина: Рено
Сообщений: 26
shgeo is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию

Чуть ниже есть еще один ответ от liquid_smoke:
Im betting that its the ratings plugin that is bundled with the skin. The latest version of the ratings plugin fixes the hard coded paths. The script is looking for your RR install to be in C:\Program Files\Road Runner , if you change your install to that path it will fix the multiple instances of the script from running OR you can also update the ratings plugin to the latest version. Its found in the RR plugins subforum.

Note: I cant promise the latest version will work with the 2.x version of the skin but it should be ok.

Может быть попробовать установить новый Rating PlugIn http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/rr-p...gs-plugin.html

К сожалению смогу все проверить только вечером.
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