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Старый 04.01.2014, 11:37   #2427
Регистрация: 20.12.2013
Возраст: 45
Город: Севастополь
Регион: другой - для добавления сообщить ab
Машина: Daewoo Sens
Сообщений: 67
rtoxic is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию

"Audio Support
AOA 2.0 includes optional support for audio output from an Android device to an accessory. This version of the protocol supports a standard USB audio class interface that is capable of 2 channel 16-bit PCM audio with a bit rate of 44100 Khz. AOA 2.0 is currently limited to this output mode, but additional audio modes may be added in the future."
rtoxic вне форума