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Старый 03.06.2014, 07:26   #83
Shino Kuyo
Регистрация: 25.04.2009
Возраст: 41
Город: ХМАО-Югра
Регион: 86
Машина: 2011\Kia\Ceed
Сообщений: 108
Shino Kuyo has a spectacular aura aboutShino Kuyo has a spectacular aura about
По умолчанию

ответил что у них какие-то праздники
Thank you for your purchasing first!
Because we have just ended a three-day traditional holidays, I'm sorry to reply you so late!
We will send the item to you today!Please be patience to wait it ! Thank you very much!
If you have any questions,please feel free to contact us.
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