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Старый 23.06.2014, 12:55   #39
Регистрация: 06.11.2009
Возраст: 39
Город: Nizhniy Novgorod
Регион: 52
Машина: Ford Focus III
Сообщений: 1,776
Rage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant future
По умолчанию

The analog and the SPDIF parts are separated, they show up as different devices - just like under MS Windows. The analog part offers 48 kHz and 96 kHz as output frequency, while the SPDIF output is capable of 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz. Both outputs can handle 24 bit mode (though on SPDIF the X-Fi will emit only 16 bits). They are independent of each other, you can e.g. play a sound in 44.1 kHz/16 bit mode on the SPDIF output while playing a different, 48 kHz/24 bit sound on the analog output.
Вот почему не пашет..т.к в ней как бы две карты. Собственно андрюха переключает на первую(аналог), а вторая(цифра) лесом.
"Вручную" переключить нет возможности. Причем оптика могёт 44.1 kHz/16 bit
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