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Старый 26.07.2014, 14:42   #76
Регистрация: 06.11.2009
Возраст: 39
Город: Nizhniy Novgorod
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Машина: Ford Focus III
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Rage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant futureRage2 has a brilliant future
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P.s в ченжлогах последних ночнушек CM11 ребята пилят звук для аудиофилов)

* PCM offload feature can handle 24 bit streams padded to 32 bits,
bypassing resampling and truncation.
* Add support for 32-bit padding in FLAC and WAV decoders
* Refactor the FLACExtractor a little
* Set flags where appropriate
* Tested with 96KHz/192KHz 24-bit FLAC files on msm8974pro
* Audiophiles, rejoice!
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