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Старый 24.10.2014, 22:16   #14
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ВладимирC is a glorious beacon of lightВладимирC is a glorious beacon of lightВладимирC is a glorious beacon of lightВладимирC is a glorious beacon of lightВладимирC is a glorious beacon of light
По умолчанию

Попровал скомпилировать ResistantButtonsTest, вот что пишет:
ResistantButtonsTest.ino20: warning: Button.h: No such file or directory
ResistantButtonsTest:6: error: 'Button' does not name a type
ResistantButtonsTest.ino: In function 'void setup()':
ResistantButtonsTest:13: error: 'button' was not declared in this scope
ResistantButtonsTest.ino: In function 'void loop()':
ResistantButtonsTest:19: error: 'button' was not declared in this scope
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