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Старый 24.03.2015, 00:19   #8
Старший Пользователь
Регистрация: 12.01.2014
Возраст: 41
Город: Москва
Регион: 77, 97, 99, 177
Машина: Skoda Superb II
Сообщений: 473
cherkasoff is a glorious beacon of lightcherkasoff is a glorious beacon of lightcherkasoff is a glorious beacon of lightcherkasoff is a glorious beacon of lightcherkasoff is a glorious beacon of lightcherkasoff is a glorious beacon of light
По умолчанию

Порыл интернеты, вот что пишут про БээНВэ:

No, K-CAN from E60 onwards is woken up over CAN. The modules use the Philips TJA1054 CAN transceiver that has a "wakeup" output, and that is used to enable the "inhibit" input of the devices main power control device (often an Infineon TLE4262). The slave devices on the bus are always supplied with Battery Voltage and ground. Any activity on the bus therefore causes the can transceiver to enable the devices power, which powers up the onboard micro. The micro then looks for a command to "stay awake". If it doesn't receive this command, it just goes back to sleep after about 4 secs.
Таким образом, чип должен получать с каким-то интервалом команду "не засыпай".

Вот еще, здесь уже пишут ЧТО ИМЕННО надо отправлять:

To send a wake up command to the k-can you need to sent a Terminal 15 / R on command.
This is canbus is 0x130, it will wake up all canbus devices (radio, Kombi, iDrive etc)

Sending packet {0x130, 5, 45, 40, 21, 8F, FE} at least every 750mS at the most and it will keep components awake.
The above command basically says, the ID is 0x130, it's 5 bytes long and the engine is running with the key in the ignition.
Осталось только понять что за K-CAN и чем оно отличается от CAN. Судя по всяким описаниям, это CAN на скорости 100kbps. В библиотеках я такое видел, вроде бы.

А вот еще пишут что iDrive это вообще ни какой не CAN:
the iDrive knob is actually LIN-bus protocol not CAN-BUS
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