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Старый 06.06.2015, 14:32   #14
Аватар для (vS)
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Сообщение от lex99frc Посмотреть сообщение
Hello what i was saying is i am not using a table its a android mini pc
I cant operate tasker its very complicated and its not that i just have to turn on the bluetooth gps app i also have to select the gps mouse and press another button
Is there a way to add on board memory?
To have a more sized RAM you can just buy a new one miniPC, it is the easyest way, and trust me, the cheapest )))
Any time then you try to use new programm it's looks complicated, but some times later you could be an expert, let's try. It's many programm on the market which you can use for make some automation action, i hope, one of them should be usefull for you.
маст{ер} c[лов]а и стил<ус>а

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