16.09.2007, 20:23
Регистрация: 17.10.2006
Возраст: 50
Город: Москва
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Машина: 2007\chery\Amulet
Сообщений: 1,691
HoverSnap v0.8 :
HoverSnap is a a free handy snapshot tool with jpg, png, bmp and gif support.HoverSnap can take snapshots of the full screen, active window or a selected area. It can even capture layered windows (alphablended ones under 2K / XP). You can even FTP upload your screenshots !
You can set up the capture folder / filename and format.
You can reduce the capture size.
Auto-generate filename option will add the time stamp (date/time) to your filename in order to be able to take several captures without having to change the filename.
Optional sound when capture is done.
HoverSnap is FREE for personal use only !
Искать тут:
Монитор - XDX 8" | Мать - Asus M2NPV-VM| Камень - AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ EE | Память - DDR2-533 2х512 | SB live 24-bit (Don_ik_kot edition) | Винт - 3,5" 250 Gb Seagate Barracuda | Корпус - ноунейм миниатх | БП - SL PSU | GPS GlobalSat BU-355 | Silabs USB Radio | Bluetooth noname (Broadcom) |USB-Hub D-Link 7 ports | Card-reader 52-in-1 | Radio mouse |WiFi LinkSys WUSB54G| усилитель Fusion EN-AM6004 |Keyboard | Centrafuse| а еще парктроник с камерой