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Старый 14.04.2016, 23:29   #3907
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hamed-pc is on a distinguished road
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Сообщение от ayra66 Посмотреть сообщение
No! I mean that in Control unit of your car the K line pin is pulled up to 12v by the 10 k resistor and on the K line pin on the diagnostic connector of your car will be nearly 10-12 volt.If ther is no voltage may be damaged the wire which is conecting the diag connector to ECU ,imho.
i tested the Cable From K line on diagnostic my car Connected to the pin 11 on ecu .
no Damage Cable .
also in the Mechanical and Tune . With Scan tools was good connect to my care . and worked
Excuse me for my bad English . Do you understand my mean?
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