18.04.2016, 12:16
Старший Пользователь
Регистрация: 18.04.2009
Город: Краснодар
Регион: 23, 93
Машина: Приора хэтчбек
Сообщений: 980
Переведи описание и поймешь - могут или нет.
Shared Serial Ports ensures simultaneous, high-speed, bi-directional and collision-free connection to RS232 serial port for unlimited number of applications. All applications that connect to shared COM port will be able to communicate (send and receive data) with the device which is attached to real port as if they had an exclusive access to that device. As a result, Shared Serial Ports application lets you bypass one-application-per-one-serial-port limitation and provide certain applications with custom access rights.
Приора хэтчбек
Win7 x64 Pro, Intel Core i3-3240 Ivy Bridge 2x3.4GHz HT, DDR3 2x4Gb, SSD SiliconPower Ace A55 128GB SATAIII, ASRock B75M-ITX, M2-ITX rev.2F, GPS Beitian BN-808, Logitech Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, ИК-пульт Prology RCD-350, круиз-контроль...