Сообщение от ayra66
hamed-pc Thank you,I am fine.
The VD4 is on allways when you connect the adaptor to your car ciadnostic harness(the adapter is resiving +12volt from your car).
VD5 will blink when you send or resive signals from car.
On the collector of the transistor will be nearlly 12volt when the k kine wire is disconnected but the power and ground are connected .
The video of my adapter work I will sent to Your Personal mesiges in this site later.
Hi Dear ayra66
Do not you think ?Because the k lهne this schematic has 12Volt To damage ECU on my Care ?
What do you think for protect ECU . Connect to Resistor between k line Pin on ECU and k line this schematic ? or use the Regulator ic 7805 for work 5 Volt ?
I am worried