Сообщение от duzzy
Standard iCarDS Mobile Phone Plugin can read and edit my phone book without any problems. As well as received calls, missed calls, dialled numbers.
And starts without delay, crashes and high CPU usage.
Where can i found how to install the standard mobile phone plugin please.
What do i need ?
I see that the conatct list return the contact's picture and i should learn how to do that with iCarDS.
I should like to know how fill a phone list by code !!!!
Сообщение от duzzy
Plugin BTMobilePhone (PBAP & MAP services) version 1.5.6 with its deletion deletes important files(from LABELS, language dir) for iCarDS and iCarDS becomes not working. Bad uninstallation, leaves behind traces in the plugins directory, etc. 
I think that the last 1.5.9 solve these issues.
Сообщение от duzzy
No offense but from my point of view, the main functions of the plugin it calls receive calls, phonebook, SMS, search contacts from any connected phone...... they are the most important.
Without your help i can't do nothing !
One question, do you think that my plugin will be better than the standard plugin if i solve all issues ?
Thanks for these feed back !!!!!