Тема: MobilePhone Plugin
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Старый 14.09.2016, 20:20   #198
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Аватар для pierrotm777
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Сообщений: 324
pierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nicepierrotm777 is just really nice

Сообщение от seriousstas Посмотреть сообщение
Did you make plugin just for yourself?
Standard plug-in works as a clock - with any! telephone.
Tested on the Chinese: Redmi, Lenovo, various MTC ... Not everyone Samsung and Sony (I a Sony Z3 + - killed)
I understand what you say but i have just one phone and do my test with this !
The standard use only two services , HFP and PBAP !
Mine is very complex with more services:

iCards is more complex than RR that i know very well !
Without you i can do nothing !
I have no answer from Bersenev and other developer !
In this case, it's really difficult to code !

I use vista 32bits and framework 3.5 maximum for my code !
The goal is to find why you have not the same experience than me with this plugin !

See my last video and you will see that i have no your issues !

My code isn't perfect, and need to be improved !
I have tested the standard plugin and like as it fill the list .
We can see that it's possible to have a picture by contact in the list as it's possible with RR.

This plugin is also used by the RR community and run very well but with the same issues !
BTMobilePhone 1.6.0 for RideRunner

Know issues for me:
-iphone can't send sms !
-iphone extract differently the vcard !
-contact's info sometime are bad !

My phone is an android 6.0 .
May be we have some issue with different os version ? I don't know !
If other guy want test the plugin with other phone, they are welcome !!!
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