Сообщение от seriousstas
Did you make plugin just for yourself?
Standard plug-in works as a clock - with any! telephone.
Tested on the Chinese: Redmi, Lenovo, various MTC ... Not everyone Samsung and Sony (I a Sony Z3 + - killed)
I understand what you say but i have just one phone and do my test with this !
The standard use only two services , HFP and PBAP !
Mine is very complex with more services:
iCards is more complex than RR that i know very well !
Without you i can do nothing !
I have no answer from Bersenev and other developer !
In this case, it's really difficult to code !
I use vista 32bits and framework 3.5 maximum for my code !
The goal is to find why you have not the same experience than me with this plugin !
See my last video and you will see that i have no your issues !
My code isn't perfect, and need to be improved !
I have tested the standard plugin and like as it fill the list .
We can see that it's possible to have a picture by contact in the list as it's possible with RR.
This plugin is also used by the RR community and run very well but with the same issues !
BTMobilePhone 1.6.0 for RideRunner
Know issues for me:
-iphone can't send sms !
-iphone extract differently the vcard !
-contact's info sometime are bad !
My phone is an android 6.0 .
May be we have some issue with different os version ? I don't know !
If other guy want test the plugin with other phone, they are welcome !!!