Оригинальная версия плагина(Исходники) Mobilephone(автор Fox_Mulder) с мп3кар.ком
Возможно кто-то захочет запилить себе плагин для мобилки

Если нужен
SDK BlueSoleil и мануал(староват но все что нужно в нем есть) по нему пишите скину.
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BT Mobilephone Plugin
12-10-2012, 04:16 AM
Hey guys,
I've decided to release the plugin I wrote for myself to the public.
Essentially its a bluetooth mobile phone plugin which has the following features:
Phonebook download from the phone
Pause/Resume Music based on call status
Pause/Resume Music based on Siri status (for iPhone users)
Siri Can be triggered through an RR command (In my setup I have a button via a car2pc adaptor mapped via ExecTBL.ini to trigger Siri)
If you are on a phone call before entering the car, when RideRunner loads, the plugin will detect the phone is in a call and automatically pause the music
If you manually dial a phone number using the phone keypad it still pauses and resumes the music when you are finished
Phone is automatically reconnected upon disconnection
And lastly phone audio is routed through the PC
I have only included the source code and not a compiled DLL as this is not designed to be a production release, just for those that feel if existing bluetooth plugins don't meet their needs, then they can make their own!
It is written in VB.NET and requires BlueSoleil. I have used this with BlueSoleil 8.0.395
It does not use a wrapper DLL to call the BlueSoleil SDK, rather it interfaces directly with the BlueSoleil SDK DLL
I used the documentation from http://www.bluesoleil.com/download/f..._UserGuide.pdf
It requires that the phone mac address be inserted into the constructor of the BT class
It requires that the phone be paired previously (this is for simplicity). The functionality is there within the BlueSoleil SDK to allow pairing on the fly.
It is written using Visual Studio 2012.
It has been tested on Windows 8 & Windows XP
Credit to Lambo and his original bluetooth wrapper/plugin http://www.mp3car.com/rr-released-pl...ne-plugin.html which got me pointed towards the Bluesoleil SDK
All I ask is if you do decide to release a plugin based on the code just give me a small mention
Скомпилить у меня его получилось, в икар он подгружается, телефон подключается к БТ, но на этом все.
Адрес телефона нужно жестко прописывать в коде(при этом нужна конверсия адреса телефона), пост автора...
You have to place your phones mac address in for phoneAddr
Like if your phones mac address is 00:11:22:33:44:55
then you would have
phoneAddr(5) = 0 '00
phoneAddr(4) = 17 '11
phoneAddr(3) = 34 '22
phoneAddr(2) = 51 '33
phoneAddr(1) = 68 '44
phoneAddr(0) = 85 '55
phoneAddr() has to be in decimal whereas your phones mac address in in hex. So a simple conversion between hex and decimal is needed