Тема: cAVe 2.0 Beta
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Старый 24.11.2007, 21:31   #5
Аватар для NSMax
Регистрация: 11.04.2007
Возраст: 51
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Сообщение от bluescreen25 Посмотреть сообщение
cAVe 2.0 beta 1.6 out !

pls try out integrated radiator plugin dll (activate in setup/radio) for Aver and feedback because we cannot test (no hardware) cAVe download

Attention !
In cAVeRoot is a RadRadio.dll , this is a renamed radiator dll file for german ADS Radio, so Search for Aver-radiator-dll-file and rename to RadRadio.dll, put it to cAVeRoot.

regards, bluescreen25
Unfortunately to "Aver USB 2.0 +" is not present radiator.dll
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