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Старый 21.03.2008, 19:52   #27
Аватар для Димон
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Димон is a splendid one to beholdДимон is a splendid one to beholdДимон is a splendid one to beholdДимон is a splendid one to beholdДимон is a splendid one to beholdДимон is a splendid one to behold
По умолчанию

Сообщение от мануал ahk
GetKeyState, OutputVar, KeyName [, Mode]
KeyIsDown := GetKeyState("KeyName" [, "Mode"])


OutputVar The name of the variable in which to store the retrieved key state, which is either D for down or U for up (but the GetKeyState() function returns true (1) for down and false (0) for up). The variable will be empty (blank) if the state of the key could not be determined.
Что, серьезно есть намерения написать скрипт нечитая мануал? Круто кмк.
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