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Старый 28.04.2008, 09:57   #5
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Регистрация: 30.03.2007
Возраст: 51
Город: Москва
Регион: 77, 97, 99, 177
Машина: Suzuki Vitara
Сообщений: 87
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Сообщение от indy Посмотреть сообщение
активный хаб - это слишком просто, да и аккумулятор эта связка будет высаживать. Проще уж отдельно на устройство подать питалово, развязав от остального USB оборудования. Мне интересно делал кто-нть уже такое?
У меня хаб не подает питание на порт (при наличии внешнего питания), если он не подключен к компу. На mp3car.com парнишка делал:

The second function to my hardware its to resolved the problem by GPS receiver. Every receiver GPS with incorporated spar has tor inside particularar component called " condenser Supercap " that has the function to also feed the small memory RAM to inside when the principal feeding and absent, practically ago from backup battery instead of using a mini standard battery. This because the last data received by the GPS are memorized in the RAM memory, so to the reboot the GPS has suffered
the data to work without making a new search of the satellites, that usually employs around 40 seconds. After 5 hours around the supercap he unloads, the GPS loses the data in memory, and so it employs to the reboot the 40 seconds. With my hardware this doesn't happen, every 57 minutes power the GPS for the time of 3 minutes, extinguishes then,
in continuous loop, thin to that it doesn't ignite the GPS with the 5 Volts.
In this way the Supercap is reloaded every 57 minutes,in this time, (3 minutes), it is reloaded, and is ready are had in memory the data received by the GPS.
Искать по "Mauri Voltmeter".
HW:Intel D945GCLF2 | 512M | 2,5" 120 Gb WD | G-Alantic GA677iBK-A1 | E10000, rev850 | GPS GlobalSat EM332 + AT-65 | IRRemote Control | LILLIPUT - GL859-NP/C/T
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